First Kiss DaveJohn

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A sly smirk spread across Dave's face. In front of him was a flustered John who apparently couldn't handle romantic situations too well.

"So, are you going to kiss me?" He let the words fall off his tongue effortlessly, awaiting John's reaction.

Dave was already well informed about his plans through Rose, who had told him all about it the previous day. A faint blush spread across John's cheeks as he was asked this. However, he was somehow able to work up enough courage to nod his head yes.

Dave knew he'd have to be the one to make the first move. So he inched closer to the bashful male and cupped his cheeks gently. Something about John had lured him in since day one. Maybe it was his sparkling cerulean orbs. They were truly captivating in many ways. However the most distinguishing feature about John was his kindness. His willingness to help and do his best to be the most supportive as possible. That's what made John, John.

"D-Dave, you." John piped up, using all the courage he could muster up at the moment.

"I love you too, John." Dave replied, his face now closer to his. So close, that their lips barely brushed against each other.

John's arms were dangled loosely around Dave's neck as he was pulled into a gentle kiss. As their lips connected, a warm, comforting feeling overcame both of them. The feeling felt so right, so natural. It was nothing they had ever experienced before.

All the nervousness was amplified by the intensity of the kiss. Which had caused John's body to slightly tremble while he felt his heart beat out of his chest. It was all too much for him to handle. He felt as if he might faint.

They both separated, panting and gasping for air. John hugged Dave securely while his head rested in the crook of Dave's neck.

"That was amazing." He muttered loud enough for Dave to hear.

"I know." Dave replied, hugging John back. A soft smile was plastered on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2016 ⏰

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