No Lights DaveJohn

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What could he possibly want this time? John sighed and searched for his unpredictable boyfriend. This better be good, especially to disturb him from his movie.

He roamed the halls, approaching their room. He was pretty sure he had heard his voice come from in their. If not, it was just a waste of a trip.

The knob made a slight grinding noise as he turned it and then swung the door open. Instead of coming into their usual room, it was dark. He couldn't see any recognizable features to guide him.

"Dave," he stepped into the room, "what do you want?"

He sighed, earning no reply whatsoever. This was obviously some childish game of Dave's and he wasn't in the mood to play along.

His hand skimmed around the wall, looking for the light switch. Once he found it, he flipped it on and off repeatedly.  The room was still dark. John couldn't believe he went this far but of course that was Dave for you.

"I know you're in here." John muttered, and stepped further into the room.

Halfway through the room, he felt a pair of arms snake around his waist, causing him to jump.

"Gotcha." Dave snickered.

"Hahaha. Very funny Dave." John groaned, his heart still racing. "Is this what you wanted me for?"

"Nah, the lightbulb burned out so I needed your help changing it. I just thought it'd be funny to scare you." He replied.

"Well you can let go of me now." John sighed and tried to wriggle free of his grasp.

"No way dude, not yet," he mumbled softly, "I like having you this close."

A blistering blush spread across John's cheeks. He was glad the room was dark so Dave wouldn't notice. Dave would probably end up teasing him about it.

John felt warm kisses planted on his cheeks, then down his neck. This caused him to gasp at the sudden sensation.

"I love you John." Dave mumbled against is neck.

"I love you too Dave."

Homestuck One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora