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Chapter 4 

College hunting was not difficult. I went online and typed ''#1 College Party Town in the US''. I decided New Orleans would be the winner. It was in the South which meant great food, and great people. It was mid October and everything was falling into place. At last I felt sure again about the direction that I was heading. I was sure of myself and knew in my mind and soul that THIS was going to be the change that I needed!  

One afternoon, about 6:45 P.M to be exact, my cell phone rang. As I searched for it in my pocket, I was hesitant to answer since the number was not saved on my phone. I answered and it was Nadim. ''Hi, John, how are you? It's Nadim. I was wondering if you would like to go out this afternoon. It's been a long time since I last seen you''. At first, I felt like saying ''Yeah, that's because we're not friends dumbass'', but he sounded like he wanted to talk to me about something important, so I said yes. 

He came to my house, picked me up and went for a ride. Nadim looked like he always had; weird, distant, only this time, he was a lot more talkative than his usual self. He asked why I had drifted apart from him and Anthony. I made up an excuse about being busy and not having time. Anyhow, he kept on asking about what I was up to, and then I explained how I would be leaving for Spring Semester. He asked me where I was going, and I began to explain what my plans were, and how I made up my mind about New Orleans. He seemed quite interested, and started asking me more and more. It was the first Nadim was actually interested in something that was important and not sex or gay related. I was actually impressed and thought to myself ''Okay, this guy is troubled, maybe this is a sign for me to step in and change his life''. So there it was, my mission was clear, and so I proceeding with "Why don't I HELP you decide if you'd like to go to college?''  

For a minute, he looked at me sort of confused. Nadim started talking about all the reasons why he should not go abroad for college, and I gave him all the reasons why he should. I was excited making plans with this guy who I felt was in need of a lot of help. He also began talking about his life, something which did not interest me in the past, but in that moment, I was so thrilled with helping him turn his life around that every single word that came out of his mouth went directly into my soul. I was convinced that Nadim could be the guy that he wanted to be, or at least, the man he wanted to become. 

After much talk and driving across town, Nadim dropped me off at my house and I was, surprisingly, immensely happy. My, or should I say, our plan was amazing. It brought much joy for the following weeks.

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