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Nadim looked radiant. He wasn't exactly Channing Tatum, but he wasn't that bad (I suppose). But to me, he definitely was a ''Baldwin''. 

We decided we wanted to dine Italian that night. I suggested a popular, posh, Italian restaurant. He, on the other hand, wanted to go to a cheap one which was way across town. It was way too early to let my inner bitch come out, so I went along with what he chose. 

We get to the restaurant, and it was a dump. The kind of restaurant you take someone you do not want to be seen publically. I glance at the place and look at him in dismay and say ''Are you sure you want to eat here?'' 

''Yes'', he said. 


After a long sigh, I agreed and we sat. He began asking me how my college plans were coming along.  

''Fine'', I said, trying to stay composed. 

''Well, Im so happy I'm leaving in January! This means, I have a month and a half to do whatever I want!'' he said excitedly. 

''Well, Im leaving in January as well, and Im a little nervous'', I answered. 

''I'm not nervous at all. Can't wait to get the fuck out of here. Im planning a trip with Anthony next month if you want to come.'' 

''A trip? Where?'' I asked. 

''We're going to Florida Keys. They have a gay resort there and there will be a huge party! Its my chance to have all the sex I want and get it out of my system!"  

My heart sank. I could not believe what was coming out his mouth. I could literally feel a punch in my stomach. 

He continued and said ''I googled all the gay bars in Boston. I know all the strip clubs and all the escort services! I am going to have so much fun! I owe you so much!''. 

''I'm happy for you'', I said, trying to hold back all my feelings. I was literally in a state of shock. All day I was rehearsing what I would say, and he blew it. By the time the food came, I was no longer hungry. I said I would take it home and eat it later. He didn't bother asking why, he was just happy about his trip to The Keys, and how much fun he would be having in Boston. 

We soon left the restaurant and on the way home, he held my hand and kissed it. I was hurt, but I felt that ''high'' again that took that pain away.  

His phone rang, it was a guy. I looked up trying to hear who it was and what he was saying but Nadim was extremely cautious with everything. He would keep his phone on vibrate and the earpiece on low. A little too cautious maybe. He had like ten E-mail accounts ALL with different passwords.  

Anyhow, I couldn't hear anything. Nadim answered ''Yes, Im just going to drop off a friend at his house and then I'll go change''. 

He hung up and said he met a few guys online and that he was going to meet with them. 

''I thought you weren't doing that anymore'', I said. 

''Oh come on, John! I only have a few weeks more to be here! And I want to have fun! Don't be mad! Im changing! And it's because of you. You've done so much for me. How can I even repay you? You are worth gold.'' 

I just nodded and said I was tired and wanted to go to bed. I kept my cool until we arrived to my house. 

He dropped me off and left. I stayed outside seeing his car drive away. I felt... heartbroken. I couldn't tell him that I liked him, and now he is going to fuck some strangers he met online. Oh my God. What did I get myself into? It was the worst feeling I had ever had in my entire life.  

I lit a cig and went into my room. For the first time in my life, I had nobody to call. How could I explain what happened? How do I tell this to someone without saying I'm gay? Or exposing Nadim? I couldn't even call Anthony.  

I laid on my bed and just eventually fell asleep.

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