#15: Let Me

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I'm not much but I'm all I have,

Let me fill your empty vessel with love.

I am what your glistening eyes see,

There are words inside me higher than a valley.

Let me write you a beautiful poetry,

Let me take you to the endless sea.

Let me be with you in my reverie,

Let me show you my own galaxy.

Let me show you stars,

Let me heal your scars.

Let me wipe your tears,

Let me pull you from your fears.

Let me gaze on those sparkling eyes,

Let me comfort you from your cries.

Let me sing you a lullaby,

Let me make you forget how to cry.

Let me read you short stories and novels,

Let me throw coins with you on wishing wells.

I'm not much but this is I,

Be with me,

And together we will fly.


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