Where they take you on holiday

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Sal had decided to take you on a surprise trip, he had packed your case for you and when you had gotten home from work he had pretty much dragged you back out the door and out you in the car. You had been driving for hours and he still wouldn't tell you where he was taking you. After about 6hours on the road you pulled up to this little isolated beach house, it was small and quaint and beautiful. "Where are we Sal?" You asked in wonderment. "It a beach house, my family bought it when I was younger, we used to come up here for the holidays in school. I thought that you deserved a break and where better to come? Don't you like it?" Sal asked, his face lighting up at the memory of his childhood but then breaking into a frown at the thought you didn't like his surprise. "No sal, I love it. It's perfect. Exactly what I need" you smiled, letting your hand squeeze his thigh in reassurance.

"This is the life" Joe muttered contently as he lay back in his sun lounger on the private beach attached to the villa he had hired in Hawaii for a vacation he surprised you with. You guys had been talking about taking a vacation for months but couldn't decide on a place to go that you could both afford, Joe kept insisting that he paid but you didn't like the idea one bit. In the end Joe had given up and just went out and booked the holiday without you, paying for it in its entirety which by looking at the modern villa the large pool and the private secluded beach, must have cost and arm and a leg. "Joseph Gatto, you are the most frustrating man in the world. But thank you, I love it here. Our own little patch of heaven for the next 24 days." You humoured him, pretending to be mad at him, but how could you be when he had brought you to heaven on earth.

"We're going on an adventure" Murr had came home one Saturday yelling and smiling as he came through the door "go pack (YN) we're going on holiday" he had ordered as he ushered you up the stairs.

You had been on holiday now for 3 days and Murr had made sure it was the best time of your life, he had activities booked for every day you were here, 14 activities for 14 days. You had so far been scuba diving, rock climbing and paragliding. You loved how James knew exactly what you liked, that's why you got on so well, you both loved adventure.

Brian had simply taken you on a trip around the states, visiting every single theme park and county fair he could think of. You both loved the rush of roller coasters, the bigger the better and you both enjoyed being children at the fair grounds, playing the stalls, eating junk food and making yourselves sick on the twistyest of rides.

Brian was nature much like yourself, never wanting to grow up and holding onto innocence for as long as you both could. That's why you loved theme parks and fair grounds so much. They were childish. They were a physical representation of both of your natures.

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