Your song..

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Sal had decided soon after you two started dating that you needed a song that defined your relationship, you guys spent hours browsing YouTube on the couch, trying to find the perfect song, just as you were about to give up, throw in the towel, Kodaline - The One began to play. It was the perfect song to describe how you both felt.

You and Joe weren't ones for listening to music excessively, maybe if you were in the car you'd have the radio playing in the background but you two much preferred to laugh and joke with each other, however you did have your little car karaoke moments. One day, nothing special about the day, just an ordinary Monday you had came running through the door, exclaiming that he "had to listen to this song" and so he humoured you and sat and listened to the song. Baby, blue eyes - a rocket to the moon played throughout your small apartment as you and Joe sat silently on the couch just letting the music sink into your souls. From that moment on you listened to the song non-stop, always thinking of Joe.

You and Murr never agreed on music. It was the one thing where you two differed drastically in your relationship. You thought he had awful music taste. You had given up long ago trying to bond over music with him and it had been fine, although that didn't stop him trying every chance he got to make you listen to rubbish song after rubbish song, in his attempt to find a song that would,as he would say, be "our song". You were sat in the living room with your headphones on and doing some work you had brought home for the weekend when you felt the buds being tugged from your ears and Murr hovering above you. You need to listen to this song!
He had exclaimed as your rolled your eyes but humoured him all the same, scooching over to make room for him beside you on the couch as he handed you one of his ear buds and put the other into his own ear and pressed play. You sat and listened to every word and every note that played and by the end of the song you had tears in your eyes from its beauty, from that moment on stand by you - Rachel Platten instantly became "your song".

Brian and you had similar taste in music which made it easy for you guys to go to concerts and buy CDs for the car. It was something you both were passionate about. It had been 6 months of planning since Brian had asked you to marry him and you had said yes, now you had both enjoyed planning your wedding, you had agreed on everything and so far everything had gone smoothly. You only had one thing left and that was to choose "your song" the song that will stick with you for the rest of your life, the first song you'll dance to. This was proving difficult because you both had so many songs that you loved a lot. You had it narrowed down to three songs, three songs that you both got emotional over, as they all triggered memories for you about your relationship. The first was hey pretty girl by Kip Moore this is the first song that Brian had ever let you listen to, telling you that it explained exactly how he felt right at the start of the relationship. The second song was thinking of you (and me) by Love and Theft this is the song that you had come across in one of your old country playlists and had fell in love with it all over again that day, so much so that you had it on repeat for hours as you cleaned your apartment, getting so lost in the music that you hadn't heard Brian come home until he had wrapped his arms around you and proceeded to slow dance with you round and round the kitchen. The last song was ultimately always going to win, it was the song that Brian had sent to you one day while he was on tour, you guys had had a fight mainly because you missed him and kept seeing room ours about him cheating online, you knew he never would but you couldn't stop the doubt and lack of trust from
Sleeping in. But when Brian had sent you the song making memories of us by Keith Urban all those doubts and fears drifted away, you knew he loved you and he would never ever hurt you. Thinking back to the first moment you heard that song you knew that was the song you wanted to remember for the rest of your life, that was the song.

I highly recommend that you guys listen to every song mentioned above because they're all beautiful.

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