How they react to you being pregnant..

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"Sal.." You whisper, hands shaking and knees week as you walk slowly into the living room to speak to your boyfriend. A small white stick clutched tightly in your fist, nerves bubbling inside of you cause you're not quite sure how he's going to react, you guys hadn't quite had that conversation yet. "Yeah babe?" Sal questioned shifting his position slightly in order to face you, noticing the worried expression on your face panic began to seep into him "what's wrong (YN)" he rushed.. Sitting up abruptly. "Sal, I- I'm-" your words stuttered as they escaped your mouth and you merely thrust you fist out in front of you handing him the stick. "(YN)" sal whispers, his eyes studying the plastic stick in his hands, before his eyes lift to meet your worried gaze once more "I-" he tried to speak "I'm gonna be a daddy?" He questions, softness evident in his tone, you can't manage words so you nod in response and watch as a bright toothy smile stretches across Sal's face and he looks down to the positive test in his hands once more before leaping up and pulling you into his arms "I'm gonna be a daddy!" He exclaimed in your ear and he held you tightly in his arms, a sharp exhale of relief coming from you.

"I'm gonna be a dad? (YN)..I'm gonna be a dad?" Joe questioned hands on each of your shoulders as he studied your face intently, hope clear in his tone. You just smiled big and nodded so fast your head may have fallen off "I'm gonna be a dad, oh my god, I'm gonna be a dad!!" He exclaimed pulling you close to him in a quick hug before he pulled away completely and paced the backstage room you two had occupied after his show that night. "IM GONNA BE A DAD!" He screamed, laughing hysterically and raising his arms to the ceiling, the plastic test still clutched firmly in his fist. Just then the door swung open to reveal a confused looking Murr, Quinn and Sal "what's going on in here"Brian asked in amusement at the grin plastered on both your and joes face "I'm gonna be a dad guys! We're having a baby!!!" You exclaimed to the guys before they all cheered and congratulated their friend, you watched with joy as the four boys all jumped in circles laughing and screaming in excitement, giggling to yourself.

"James, I'm pregnant" you spoke over the phone, you knew this wasn't gonna go well, I mean you guys had been on three dates, you weren't together, you barely knew each other.. "You're what!" James exclaimed through the line "I'm pregnant, 6weeks gone, I'm keeping it but I just thought I'd let you know, you don't need to be part of the babies life if you don't want to" you replied, confidently, of course you didn't expect him to just drop everything for a child he probably didn't want. "Of course we are keeping it and of course I'm going to be part of our child's life (YN). If also really like to continue to be a part of your life. Just because you're pregnant doesn't stop me wanting to date you, that's not to say that just because you're pregnant we should rush through a relationship. We will just take it as it comes, but I will support you and our child no matter what (YN)" he spoke, his reply shocking you. You liked James and were enjoying getting to know him, but you thought for sure that once he found out you were pregnant he'd disappear. You were pleased at his reply, smile radiating through the phone line "that sounds perfect James" you spoke softly.

Brian and you had been married for 3 years now and you still loved him with everything you had and he still looked at you like you put the stars in the sky.
You had found out pretty early on in the marriage that it may not be possible for you to conceive. Which destroyed you, and Brian who had been so excited about the prospect of having a baby.
He had stayed strong though, bringing home leaflets and information about Ivf and adoption. Brian always acted like he would be fine with adoption but you knew deep down inside that he wanted his own baby, someone that would be the best of you and the best of him mixed into one tiny perfect human being.
You hadn't handled it so well.
However you were adamant that you would carry a baby, you would give Brian the family he deserved. The doctors never said it was impossible, just that you only had a 10% chance of conceiving. So you tried and you tried and you tried for years and nothing.
You had missed a few periods recently and put it down to stress, you and Brian had given up a few months back on the concept of having a baby of your own. It wasn't till you woke up sick the past few mornings that you had decided to go to the doctor this morning, he had asked you all the obvious questions, are you sexually active?, any chance you're pregnant? and so on, you only laughed in his face at that question. So he drew blood and ran some tests. Sitting there in the small sterile office fidgeting with your hands expecting to be sent home with anti sickness pills or anti biotics for a tummy bug, the doctor entered the room with a printed sheet and a small smile on his face "congratulations Mrs Quinn, you're having a baby, 2 months on" after this news you had snatched the results from his hand and drove home to Brian.
Upon entering the house you found Brian sitting up asleep on the couch, you placed yourself on his lap and pressed a soft kiss to his lips to rouse him from his nap "mmm. hey beautiful, how was the doctors?" He questioned sleepily wrapping his arm around your waist. You couldn't stop smiling, as you handed him the sheet of paper you had taken from the doctor. You watched Brian take it and study it closely before placing it on the couch beside him "is this real?" He asked quietly in disbelief "yes Brian, we're pregnant. We're gonna have a baby!" You whispered tears spelling from your eyes as you watched the smile erupt in your husbands face "we're gonna have a baby" Brian repeated as he pressed a strong kiss to your lips, holding you close to him. Finally, you thought to yourself. You're finally able to give Brian the family he deserves.

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