Chapter 12

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I dedicate this chapter to Katyland13 for all the amazing comments and votes I've gotten. I love all of my little peeps and every single vote and comment makes my day! Thanks to everyone for sticking with me and my books!

Abby's POV
I screwed up. BIG time. It's been a day since Austin and I had our heated session and he hasn't said a word to me.

My heart aches and longed for him.

I sighed before walking into the bathroom to take a shower. I undressed and stepped in, letting the now hot water burn my skin.

When I was finished, my skin was red from the such hot water.

I took a towel out and dried off. That's when I noticed something.

I forgot to grab clothes.

That's ok... Austin had bought me some clothes before and they sat at the end of the bed now.

I made my plan to sneak out, grab the clothes, and rush back to the bathroom.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and checked to see if anyone was outside.

Bedroom is all clear.

I saw the bag on the bed and I glared at it for no reason.

Sighing, I ran to the bag, still wrapped in a towel, and rushed back before anyone could notice.

Just as I made it to the bathroom, the bedroom door opened.

"Shit," I breathed out and rushed to close the bathroom door behind me.

I heard Austin sigh and leave the room. He didn't see anything.

I quickly dressed in the nice outfit.

It was a pair of white Jean shorts and a plain pink t-shirt.

Once I was done brushing my hair, I stepped out of the bathroom only to hear the sound of a growl.


"Abby, look what that thing did to you!" He exclaimed with anger coating his words.

I froze and forgot about the bruises that ran up and down my legs and arms.

He took long, slow strides towards me and I backed up into the bathroom which only made him growl more.

"Austin, your scaring me." I breathed out, him still stepping closer with every step I took back.

He froze and stared at me.

"I'm sorry, Abby. I hate seeing what he did to you. If I had only found you sooner, and not let you stay there that night, this wouldn't have happened." He looked away.

I grabbed his face and forced him to look me in the eyes.

"It's not your fault this happened. I don't ever want to hear you saying it is. This is his fault. He chose to hurt me. He did this, not you. And I can't have you thinking you're the one to blame," I blurted out in one breath.

He stayed silent and continued staring at me.

"I can't help but believe this is my fault. If only I didn't leave you there," he said with sad eyes as he avoided eye contact.

"This is not your fault. Austin, I know you would never hurt me. It's ok. I'm ok." I attempted at convincing him.

"Bu-" he started but I stopped him by placing my lips onto his.

He responded immediately and placed his hands on my face and pulled me closer. I was losing my breath quick and when he noticed this, we finally broke apart.

"I'm so sorry, Abby." He said one final time.

I only responded by hugging him. I knew he wasn't going to stop blaming himself. But if anything, I could get him to believe that I did not blame him for anything. And that's the truth. This is not his fault. It's my "father's" fault. He chose to hurt me. Physically and emotionally. This is not Austin's fault.

We stayed in this position for several minutes. No words were spoken as we held each other.

That's when we heard his father.

"Austin!" I could hear the anger in his voice.

"Shit," was the last thing Austin said before his bedroom door was burst open and an angered older version of Austin stood, staring at us.

*Sorry for such a short chapter. The next one will be double as long as this one. I promise. But I got several requests for an update as soon as possible but Im not going to have wifi for a while so I'm not going to be able to write at that time. So I decided to finish off this chapter and post it. I'll get to work on the next one ASAP! Thanks again to everyone who voted and leaves me comments! Every one makes my day so much better!

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