Chapter 7

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Abigail's POV

"There! I see them! Hurry Abby, we might lose them!" Austin whispered back to me.

It's been a week since I lost Audrey. A week since I let her slip from my fingers.

I haven't said a word to anyone but father in fear of being hurt.

They all believe I'm mute. Which is exactly how I stay unharmed and not lose my new friends.

Austin and I were paired up to do a science project together and after, we became friends. Though, there's just something about him that keeps me wanting to be more than just friends. It's strange and hard to think about when the only thing corrupting my mind lately is finding my sister.

Austin has been a great help. His father is the chief of police and has permission to all the cameras.

We found the van and traced its license plate to an old farm at the edge of the village.

Austin's father, Tyler Welsh, had told us to wait for him and a couple officers for backup before leaving but we became impatient and snuck out.

Crouching low, we scrambled across the yard towards the back door to the small house.

Austin stopped at the door and looked back at me, making sure I'm okay with this.

Nodding my head, he turned and slowly turned the knob and opened the door.

I watched his head go side to side, making sure no one was home to catch us in our rescue mission.

Quietly, we made our descent in search for my young sister.

Austin and I had a plan for when we arrived. He would search the main floor while I went upstairs. Once finding the old, wooden stairs, we split up. Creaks were heard from under my feet as I tried to be quiet. As I reached the top, I checked the first and second doors, finding nothing but boxes, mold, and spare beds.

At the end of the hall, one last room was waiting to reveal whether or not my sister was here.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door only to be disappointed with more boxes and rotting walls.

Hopefully Austin is having more luck than I. Sighing, I turned to go back down, only to have a gun pointed at my head and sweaty palms cover any screams that could come out of my dry mouth.

I was lead downstairs where Austin was standing with Audrey hiding behind him.

"Abby!" He screamed.

"Shut it, boy!" A man's voice demanded from beside me and you could hear the smirk in his voice.

Austin's eyes connected with mine. The only thought going through my mind was for the safety the little nine year old scared out of her wits.

Knowing the only way I could save her, I pleaded to Austin to take Audrey and make a run for it with my eyes.

By his expression, I knew he got the message.

"Why do you want her?" He asked the man carefully.

"I don't want the little tramp! It's you two I've been waiting for," his smirk grew larger.

Austin was silent and I prayed to the lord that he would just run already.

That's when he spoke up.

"What does she have to do with this?"He asked, avoiding eye contact with me as my eyes widened when his finger pointed to me.

"Come here," the man ordered while applying pressure to my head where the gun was situated.

The Mute MateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora