"Right," Niall got up and received the envelope. "I'll make sure to give it to him."

"Thanks," Melissa nodded her head. She checked her phone for a moment. "Well, I guess right now is a good time to head to the airport."

"Sure, I'll help you with your bags."


The airport was a bit crowded but that was okay. Niall didn't need to go any farther in than he already was. It was a bit awkward at first. Melissa was just looking around and Niall didn't know what to say. There was a bit of tension. 

"I guess I should get going now," Melissa was the first to speak. 

"Yeah. Good luck on the whole modeling thing. I hope it works out," Niall rubbed the back of his neck. For some reason he couldn't think of anything else to say. To think of all that time they spent together, pretending to love each other, would give them something to say.

"Thanks. I hope you and Harry stay happy together. You take care of him, alright? He really, really loves you. Don't go breaking his heart," Melissa said with a small smile. 

Niall smiled and looked at the ground. The thought of Harry always made him smile. "I will. I will take care of him. He's someone I can really see myself with. I just hope he wants to stay with me. I know my parents won't take our relationship easily so we'll see how that turns out."

Melissa looked at Niall with a concerned look, whispering your parents under her breath.

"Right. Well. . . I'm gonna go now. Goodbye, Niall," Melissa took a better grip of her bags and nodded at Niall. 

"Goodbye, Melissa."

She started walking away, not daring to look back once. Niall watched her go. He felt a bit sad. Even though Melissa wasn't the best person he's known, they still had a few moments where they connected in the friendliest way. Those moments were buried in the past until now, they were starting to resurface. 

Niall always knew there was another side to Melissa but it was just shoved deep into the corners of her other persona. 

Niall saw Melissa roll her eyes at someone from the distance after she gotten through security. He gave a small smile. Melissa does want to change but changing will take some time. A person can't fully change over night.

Once she was lost in the crowd, Niall turned around and walked away.

He was excited to go back to his apartment, where Harry was waiting for his return. 


"Happy Birthday to you!" Louis, Liam, Zayn, Lacey, Troy and Niall sang in unison. They were all crowded around the kitchen table of Harry and Liam's apartment. Harry was the only one sitting in a chair and directly facing the beautifully, decorated birthday cake Niall had specially ordered. 

"Blow the candles already I want some cake," Louis demanded. 

Harry grinned and blew the candles. There were some camera flashes in the dark before Liam turned the lights back on. Niall gave Harry a kiss on the cheek before handing the birthday man a knife to cut the cake. 

"Oh yes," Louis moaned, watching Harry cut the first slice. 

"Shut up, Louis," Harry laughed.

"I call second slice," Zayn announced. 

"Hey!" Louis frowned. 

"There's enough cake for at least a week Louis. You'll live," Liam playfully shoved Louis. 

Lipstick [Narry-EDITING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora