The room was moderately neat, with only a few things like clothes places in odd places, there was a half-finished painting by the left side of the room.

Walking closer to get a better look at it, the painter had started from the bottom of the person's portrait, the top part was unfinished and Milah couldn't tell what or who it was, but it was beautiful, incomplete but beautiful.

Turning to the side, he noticed a painting covered by a white clothe, feeling curious as to know what was under, biting his lower lip as he pulled the cloth off, he gasped.

The painting was beautiful, it was of Amun's sister, she was sitting on a stool that looked like it was in front of a window, Amun made these paintings!

Nera's hair fell over her shoulders as she smiled, her beautiful brown skin shone in the painting, and she looked beautiful.

He had never seen such beautiful paintings in his life, he felt completely inadequate compared to such raw talent, Amun had such a talent.

The door behind him opened and he turned sharply to see Amun, "He went the other way" he said as he turned away from closing the door, "What are you...are you looking at my paintings?" Amun asked as he came closer.

Chuckling nervously Milah confessed even though he was thinking of how obvious it was that he was looking at the painting, it's in his damned hands for Ra's sake!

"Uh...yes, they're beautiful" Milah replied with a smile "I didn't know you could paint" he added as he caressed the painting with his fingers.

"Most people don't know" Amun replied as he sat beside Milah on the ground, "Do you really think they're beautiful?" he asked vulnerably as he looked at Milah, "I think they are perfect" he murmured as continued to look at the painting.

"Thank you" Amun replied smiling widely, "No thank you" Milah replied when he looked up to Amun adding "I don't know what I'd have done if you weren't there to help".

"Thabit can be a little..." Amun trialed off with a smile making Milah laugh loudly, "Yes, he can be a little..." Milah replied with a large smile, placing the clothe back on the painting Milah pushed off the ground and was making his way to the door when he heard Amun say something.

"I know about Prince Khaldun".

Turning sharply to look at him Milah asked "What?!" his heart beating in his chest, "I saw you in the gardens one time, he seemed to know you...intimately" Amun replied with a shrug as he sat on his bed, "I didn't tell anyone alright, so don't go fainting on me" he added with a chuckle.

Blushing as he recalled that he had fainted that day, he wondered how much Amun had really seen, "Thank you, for that too" Milah replied with a smile as he rushed out of the room.

Exhaling loudly he quickly made his way to his room.

He pushed the door to his room and walked in, walking straight to where he placed his clothes, rampaging through the sparse amount of cloth but he still couldn't find it.

Looking around the room as he searched for the clothes he kept in a particular place, he looked under his bed and pulled out all the chairs but still couldn't find it.

Sitting on his bed as he tried to recollect where he kept it, a voice in his head was telling him that Nefertiti had something to do with this.

He waited for her to come inside before he confronted her, she was closing the door when he asked her "Where are my clothes?" his tone not friendly in anyway as he glared at her.

"What clothes...oh! Those rags?" she asked stupidly, placing her hands on her hips, "I burned them" she said dismissively, making her way to her side of the room before sitting on her stool.

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