thirty two

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worshipthejibooty : hyung

swegminsuga : what

worshipthejibooty : can I hear the song?

swegminsuga : but it's not done

worshipthejibooty : i don't care
worshipthejibooty : I just want to listen to it pleassseeeeeee

swegminsuga : watever
swegminsuga : *audio message*
swegminsuga : how is it?

worshipthejibooty : it is
worshipthejibooty : freaking amazing!
worshipthejibooty : the song is amazing and the rapper's voice is so goddamn hot

swegminsuga : I'm the one rapping

worshipthejibooty : holy fucking shiet
worshipthejibooty : tbh you're like perfect

swegminsuga : shut up

worshipthejibooty : nevermind

swegminsuga : that's it!

worshipthejibooty : what?

swegminsuga : that's it!
swegminsuga : nevermind should be the name of that song!
swegminsuga : it's perfect!

worshipthejibooty : woah Nevermind sounds so cool
worshipthejibooty : your welcome

swegminsuga : wut?

worshipthejibooty : I helped you come up with the name didn't I

swegminsuga : no

worshipthejibooty : yes

swegminsuga : whatever

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