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worshipthejibooty : hey Yoongi
worshipthejibooty : yooongii
worshipthejibooty : yOoONgO

swegminsuga : you still here?

worshipthejibooty : yes

swegminsuga : why

worshipthejibooty : idk
worshipthejibooty : I'm hungry

swegminsuga : then eat

worshipthejibooty : I have no food

swegminsuga : then buy food

worshipthejibooty : gee why didn't I think of that , that's a great idea! Thanks *insert sarcasm here*

swegminsuga : welcome dood


worshipthejibooty : I bought food!!

swegminsuga : idc

worshipthejibooty : I bought so much sweets!!

swegminsuga : idc

worshipthejibooty : I bought McDonald's too!

swegminsuga : idc

worshipthejibooty : how can you not care about McDonald's !?!?

swegminsuga : I don't really like McDonald's

worshipthejibooty : omFG How CAN yOu nOt LIkE McdoNALds lIke wAt

swegminsuga : stop over reacting geez

worshipthejibooty : ohGOd I CanT

swegminsuga : it's not a big deal geez

worshipthejibooty : iTs A HuGe DeaL

swegminsuga : bye

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