****Liam's POV**** 

"Damn it!" I heard someone hiss loud enough to wake me up. I peeled my right eye open to find Niall sitting up in the bed holding my phone and tilting it frantically from side to side. I frowned tiredly at him and he glanced down. 

"Oh! I'm sorry Liam...I'm playing one of your racing games and I just lost...I didn't mean to wake you," he whispered as he tilted my phone almost a complete ninety degrees. I rolled my eyes playfully as I stretched a little and sat up to see my phone. 

"How long have you been up?" I asked softly as I rested my head against his shoulder and yawned. 

"About an HOUR!" he exclaimed as his car crashed and he grumbled. He set my phone down and pouted angrily. 

"Oh you baby," I giggled as I poked his side. He stuck his tongue out at me before pecking me with a kiss. Niall and I were just develing into a passionate kiss, when I heard a knock and Niall grumbled as he got off the bed. My doctor came in with a smile as he came over to my side and looked at me. 

"How are we feeling today Mr. Payne?" he asked as he scribbled in that infamous clipboard. 

"Good, can I please go home?" I asked anxiously and the doctor looked down at me sadly. 

"Well, yes your health is in good shape, but what about the cuts?" he asked as he began removing the wrap from one of my wrists. Niall gagged as he saw the amount of blood covering the rags and I scrunched up my face as he nodded and looked back at me. 

"We did try and stitch you up the best we could, but the cuts were incredibly deep...almost had to do an amputation," the doctor explained more to Niall than to me since he'd already explained that once to me. 

"I'll let you go home, but you're going to have to change your wraps every day okay? I want you back here every weekend to check you out alright?" the doctor asked and I grinned excitedly as Niall who mimicked a similar grin. 

"I'll be right back to unhook these IVs and everything else," my doctor smiled once more before he left the room. Niall quickly stood up and started cleaning up the romo while I frowned. 


"What love?"

"You never did say how the court appearance went." Niall sighed as he sat on my bed, taking my hand and giving it a forceful kiss. 

"It was boring! At first they were going to give me jail time, but they decided I served enough jail time and after seeing the video they saw me as harmless! I have a fine to pay, or do community service, so I have services starting next weekend for a month!" he explained with a smile and I nodded as he went back to packing up my things while also laying out an outfit for me when I was unhooked.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, Kate's engaged!" I burst and Niall's eyes widened and I nodded. 

"That's great!" he smiled and I smiled back as nurses piled into the room and began unhooking the needles from my skin. Niall watched with a concerned face as gauzes were wrapped here and there, leaving me looking like a gauzed up mummy. 

"He's going to be in a wheelchair for a couple of months, and as you've guessed you're going to have to push him around," my doctor explained to Niall and I sighed as I looked down at my lap. Niall shuffled close to me and kissed my forehead. 

"No, don't you be upset Liam! I don't mind pushing you around for a while," Niall tried to cheer me up, but it wasn't working. I didn't want to be the one who was a party pooper because I couldn't do what everyone else could.

"Here you go," a nurse whispered and I looked up to see a wheelchair propped up for me. 

"We'll leave you two alone for a few minutes, just check out when you leave alright? I'll see you next weekend Liam," my doctor said as he patted my back before exiting the room. Niall lifted my chin with his finger and he gave me a small smile. 

"If you think I'm going to love you any less because of this you're absolutely crazy Liam," he whispered before giving me a kiss. I sighed and shook my head. 

"It just isn't fair," I whispered and I saw Niall winch a little. He backed up from me and ran his hand through his hair. I quickly realized what I'd said and shook my head frantically as I reached out my hand. 

"No, no! No Niall....you know I didn't mean it like that! This isn't...your fault," I whispered even though I knew in a way it was Niall's fault for getting me involved, but it wasn't his fault for them hurting me really! Niall had no idea any of what had happened was going to happen.

"It is my fault! If I would've just left you alone..."

"No! Don't you know how miserable we'd be if you had left me alone? You'd probably be in jail somewhere else and I'd be living alone for the rest of my life!" I exclaimed and I saw Niall's lips twitch a little into a smile. 

"I don't even know how you were single in the first place," he said quietly as he wrapped his arms around my neck and peppered my lips with kisses. I smiled against his kisses before he stood up and held his arms out. 

"Come on," he whispered and as much as I wanted to argue and complain I moved my body and Niall helped me into the wheelchair that in all honesty, was quite comfy! 

"Well? How is it?" Niall asked as he rested his chin on my shoulder and I shrugged. 

"It's at least comfortable!" I exclaimed and he chuckled as he kissed my cheek. 

"It's finally time for US to go home," I grinned as Niall pushed me out of the hospital room I'd been cooped up in for at least a week.

"Together," Niall stated, holding my hand firmly and I grinned with a nod. 


The Runaway ***NIAM AU***Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora