Chapter 3

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A/N: Here y'all gope! (: xx

          “Liam, I made breakfast three hours ago,” Kate huffed as she poked me for the millionth  time.

“Let me sleep!” I cried, pulling the blankets over my head, but that didn't stop Kate. She crawled under the blankets and wrapped her arms around me.

“Liam,” she whispered in my ear and I groaned, pushing her off of me and finally getting up. Kate was laughing as I grumpily got out of bed.

“Oh you big baby! It's eleven o'clock!” she called as she walked out of the bedroom. I yawned, stretched and fixed my hair before pulling a shirt and some sweats on and going into the kitchen.

“You sleep okay?” Kate asked as she warmed up the breakfast she'd cooked earlier in the morning.

“Yeah,” I replied; it was probably one of the comfiest mattresses I'd ever slept on actually.

“Good,” she smiled warmly at me as she handed me a plate full of breakfast foods.

“God, Jay must just love having a house wife,” I joked in a grumble and she nudged me.

“Oh Liam. I have a job, it just so happens I have very good hours and can work from home,” she replied with a snap as she skipped off into the living room. I ate my breakfast quietly and took a deep breath.

“Liam, your computer's going off again!” Kate yelled and I smiled, putting my plate in the sink and going into the living room where Kate was watching the news.

“Someone escaped from the jail,” Kate explained as I changed the channel.

“Hey! Liam! I wanted to see who escaped so I could watch out and warn Jay!” she exclaimed, trying to get the remote from me, but eventually she gave up.

“They'll have WANTED signs posted soon enough Kate,” I waved it off as I turned on Survivor.

“You didn't tell me you were a survivor fan,” Kate grinned, snuggling with me on the couch while we lounged around like potatoes.

****Kate's POV****

Having Liam live with me was fun for the most part. We'd been best friends since our freshman year in high school, and had never stopped. I lived with Liam for a year after we graduated college, but I moved out after I got a job and I met Jay. That was when Liam and I had sort of grown distant; he wasn't a fan of Jay and I knew it was just because he was jealous because I wasn't around all the time and because he had a hard time making friends.

“Liam, would you please message back your friend? I'm sick of that pinging,” I groaned as the computer pinged yet again while Liam continued to curl onto the couch and munch on chips.

“Niall can wait,” he replied ad I looked over at him with amusement in my eyes.

“Who's Niall?” I grinned, jumping over to his couch and he tried to move away from him, but I was quite persistent.

“Nobody! Just a friend!” he yelled and I sat back and cross my arms with raised eyebrows.

“Just a friend? You've been talking to him non-stop Liam,” I continued and he finally looked at me, trying to fight a smile.

“We met online and he's been really nice,” he answered seriously. I was surprised at Liam, he usually wasn't one to talk to people online; he'd always said it wasn't very proper.

“Since when did you start talking to strangers online?” I asked and he shrugged as he grabbed his laptop.

“Well, I didn't really have anyone else so I just started to talk to random people on IM and Niall just showed up,” he said as he typed away at his computer.

“You like him?” I asked, trying to crack Liam; he rarely talked about having feelings for anyone.

“I've never met him Kate,” he laughed as he glanced over at me before going back to his typing.

“Do you want to?” I continued and he took a deep breath, rubbing his forehead.

“I do,” he whispered and I swallowed hard. I didn't want to baby Liam, but I'd watched shows about people meeting after talking online. People catfished- pretended to be someone they weren't- and it never ended well. I knew Liam was an adult and could make his own decisions, but it still scared me to think of what could happen to Liam. Even if he was gay, there were still creeps out on the internet who wouldn't care if Liam was gay or not.

“I don't know if that's such a good idea,” I spoke cautiously; Liam always got mad if he knew I was going to baby him.

“I make my own decisions Kate. I trust Niall, he's not dangerous okay?” Liam concluded.

“You're positive he's who he says he is?” I pushed my luck and Liam looked at me angrily.

“Yes Kate,” he spoke with a gentle growl to it. I sat back into the couch as the door opened and Jay walked in. Liam immediately looked back down to his computer and I saw him mumbling to himself; I knew he was sending something his little friend about how his best friend's dumb ass boyfriend was home.

“Hey Liam,” Jay spoke as he walked in the door. I smiled as he came over and planted a kiss on my lips quickly.

“And hello to you my lovely,” he grinned as he kissed me again. I giggled and I heard Liam huff as he packed up his laptop and went down the hall to his room. I sighed and Jay wrapped his arm around me and smiled.

“Did you have a good day?” he asked, kissing my neck gently and I nodded as I snuggled into him.

“How long is he staying here Kate?” Jay asked and I sighed with a shrug.

“At least until he can find another job,” I replied and Jay sighed as he helped me up and we headed down the hall to my bedroom.

“The point of you moving out of Liam's was for us to be together you know,” Jay spoke as he removed his work clothes and it left him shirtless. I bit my lip and he grinned.

“And we are together, just...give him a month,” I grinned, walking over and wrapping my arms around him.

“Alright, but only because I can't deny this perfect face,” he smiled as he kissed me. I was so thankful Liam was two rooms away or he probably would've came in and killed me that night.  

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