Chapter 11

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I'm winging this chapter and I'm excited. I'm sometimes super creative when I wing a chapter so this could be really good or really bad seeing as I haven't written this story since like January sooo...yeah here we go! (: xx

****Liam's POV**** 

After a day, Niall had already made himself quite comfortable at my flat. The few things he'd brought with him in his backpack were discarded all over the flat and he had no problem helping himself to any food that he wanted, and I was glad that he was comfortable with me and my home. 

"Liam?" Niall asked from down the hallway and when I peered down I saw Niall poking his head out of the bedroom. I smiled as I neared him and he took a deep breath and he held out my phone for me. 

"Kate called, I answered and told her you were coming," he spoke as I quickly took the phone from him, nodding him a quick thanks before stepping back into the hallway to take the call.

"Hi Kate, how are you?" I asked quickly, hoping everything was okay and when Kate replied, I was assured that she was,

"I'm great Liam! How's your...uh...roommate?" she asked awkwardly and I smiled and shook my head. 

"He's great Kate. He's made himself quite at home," I smirked at Niall who was looking at me from his room. He blushed and dropped his head as he pulled his head back into his room. I heard Kate take a deep breath and I rolled my thumbs. 

"I just wanted to offer you guys to come over to the pool today. I'm going out with some friends, but I figured it's such a nice, hot day out that you and your....friend....could come over to my flat and use the community pool," Kate suggested and I was emmensely happy that Kate was trying to be nice to Niall. 

"Thanks Kate! I'll ask Niall if he'd like to go over! That's so nice of you Kate," I gushed and I heard her laugh. 

"It's more for you than him," she mumbled and I huffed. 

"Kidding! Kidding," Kate quickly recovered and I smiled once more and nodded. 

"Alright, I'll text you when Niall gives me his decision," I finished, hanging up and going down the hall to knock on Niall's door. He quickly opened it with an anxious look on his face. The more I'd hung out with Niall over the past day, the more attractive he became to me...

"Kate offered to let us go to her community pool if you'd like to go," I smiled as Niall leaned up on the doorframe which highlighted his biceps. 

"I don't have a bathing suit," Niall sighed and I shook my head and smiled. 

"I have extras!" I exclaimed and he bit his lip and almost looked nervous for some reason. He took a deep breath and nodded as he fixed his hair. 

"Alright, let's go," he spoke with a shakiness in his voice. I patted his shoulder and went down to my room and grabbed two swimsuits. I took Niall and bathing suit and he took it with shaking hands, but smiled at me. I returned the smile and headed back to my room to change. I will admit I was a little nervous about being with Niall at the pool; he'd be in nothing but swim trunks, and from the looks of his biceps and leg muscles, I was sure his chest wouldn't be a disappointment. He was just an overall attractive guy! I slipped my trunks on and threw on a simple white t-shirt before bumping into Niall in the hall. 

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