History and Mystery

Start from the beginning

"Okay kunwar ji, I will tell you everything. I swear on my life that every information I will give you will be as true as day and night" he has taken a deep breath and started narrating the things about my grandfather.

Bhuwan POV

When I grow enough to understand my surroundings, I have always seen my people happy and content. I was born in a beautiful Rajmahal (palace made of white marble) as third child of the Army general Yashwant Singh Suryavanshi.

My brothers Bhirav Singh and Virat Singh were ten and five years older than me respectively. Bapusa was training them hard because they have to join the royal forces. I used to play around with my playmates Birju and Shankari who were three years older than me.

When I was five years old, my father has sent me to Gurukul near banjaro ki basti to get education. I used to hang out a lot in the nomads land a lot. This place was my favorite place because it gave the bird's eye view of the whole forest. Whenever I come to this place, my gaze land on the sword dig in the wooden log. Sometimes, I tried to remove it but couldn't do so. One day an old guard has caught me doing that and then told me that nobody can remove it except Alexander.

I asked him about this Alexander person and he told me the story of the sword. He told me that when Alexander has started his world winning expedition and about to reach near gandhar (today's kandhar) then the spies has informed Ranaji about it. Ranaji has summoned his three trusted persons the general, the priest and the leader of nomads. These people were special because the general was expert in fighting and strategy making while the nomads leader was an expert blacksmith. He used to invent new weapons. The priest was most important person because he was a great mathematician and astrologer. He used his calculations to predict the time of enemy's attack and our move against them. He has vowed not to tell the result of war although he always knew it. He has the best political knowledge and because of that we had a great rapport with almost every kingdom.

No king dare to go against the priest because they fear his curse. The priest ancestors were devoted to God Shankar (God of destruction and a great warrior) and it was said that the priest has been granted one wish at the time of their death. The wish can be anything except immortality and every king fear that if the priest wished for their destruction then they will be doomed.

One king has dared to insult the priest of Bhanugarh in past and he has died a very slow and painful death. Every second he has apologized for his misdeed but death didn't came to him for an year. When his family donated all their wealth in the poor and vowed to serve the priest for seven generations then the king has finally got death.

The priest was a real terror in the hearts of all Kings but in reality he was the most soft spoken, kind hearted and knowledgeable person. If you spend five minutes with him, you will feel peaceful. He has that effect on people and that's why everyone loves and respects him a lot.

When the priest has asked about the Alexander's expedition then he told him that Alexander will never reach Bhanugarh because a brave warrior will block his way at the north entrance of Aryavrat (India). Although he will win the war against the brave warrior but his army will reduce to thousands and they will refuse to obey this commands when he will order them to cross the holy Ganges.

The king has relieved after listening the priest's prediction. The priest told him that one of the blacksmith of the great Alexander will reach Bhanugarh after several months and the king must give shelter to him because the same man will make the weapon for the savior of his kingdom. After one month, news came from northern regions that king Puru (Porus) has started war against Alexander and got defeated but when Alexander has asked him that how he want to be get treated then Porus replied him that he wanted to be treated like a honorable king like him. Porus answer has touched Alexander's heart and he made him his ally.

He ordered his men to cross the Ganges but when his army got to know that the enemy across the river is more in number with weapons and war elephants then they refused to obey Alexander's commands. Alexander has been informed by his generals that his men have tired physically and mentally. They want to return to their home to meet their parents, wives and children. Alexander has reluctantly agreed to their advise of retreat and ordered his army to get ready for their homeland. They have acquired some more land while returning to their home but the harsh conditions of desert in their way has claimed many lives of his army man.

One day he has ordered that the old men should go ahead of them. One blacksmith of his army has lost his way during a sand storm and found by traders of Bhanugarh in injured condition. They have treated him and brought him to Bhanugarh along with them. They have presented that blacksmith to the king who has allowed him to live in the kingdom as long as he wanted. He has thanked him a lot and told him that he wanted to serve him in return of his generosity.

King has sent him to the priest and he has made a very special weapon which looks like a sword but has many other features. That weapon can be used as a key, an offensive tool and a musical instrument. But the most special thing about the weapon is that only the person or savior predicted by the priest can bear that weapon. The hilt was uniquely designed, it has very microscopic linear elevations which are designed to fit into the ridges of that person's palm. When that man will grip the hilt, his palm will get glued to the hilt because it has been customized to grip his hand in return.

I was surprised, I looked at the hilt closely and found that the old man was telling the truth. The man told me that the blacksmith was very proud of his master Alexander and therefore he requested the priest to name the sword bearer after his master's name. The priest has accepted his request and when he has written the prophecy then he mentioned the sword bearer as Sikander (Alexander).

"Listen boy, this is a secret story. Swear to me that you would never tell this story to anyone" that old man asked me in a hushed tone.

"If it was a secret story then why did you tell me" I asked him innocently.

"Because you are going to be the next royal guard" he patted my head with affection.

Although, I was only five but I knew that the eldest son of the general becomes the Royal guard to the Guardian of royal treasure means Bhairav bhai sa will become the next royal guard then why this old man was telling me the story.

"You should tell this story to Bhairav bhai sa, not me" I complained him but he didn't say anything.

"Listen carefully boy, you will soon meet a very beautiful girl. When you wish to give her a gift then come to me. You will find me here only." I looked at him like he has gone crazy. I didn't ask any question after that and I returned to my Gurukul when my friends have called me from behind. I waved him bye and he told me that we will meet soon.

But I didn't know that his very soon meeting time was actually a one year time. I understood his crazy talks when I saw her for the first time.

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