Ch. 3

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It was as if life repeated itself once again. Yoongi couldn't believe who it was, what it was.


Woori was here.

'But how? Why? How was she able to stay in this world after 500 years has passed? Was she reincarnated? No if she was, she wouldn't have remembered me. She wouldn't dare to speak my name.'

Woori stopped all doings and took a step back, away from the food stand. He watched as his name was once again, slipped out before he ran.

Turning back around, Yoongi ducked under the tent and ran out to Jimin, who stood on the other side of the street waiting for him.


He hears the once, beautiful voice, call out to him. Jimin who was waiting for his boyfriend heard Yoongi's name being shout and looked up before he sees his boyfriend grabbing him by his arms quickly.

"We-we have to go!" Yoongi said breathlessly.

"Huh?- what's going on? Who is that?"

Running after him, Jimin confusingly follows along before he hear's Yoongi's name being called once again. The shouts of a woman's voice echoed far behind before Jimin tilts his head to the side to see who it was, bumping his head against strangers passing by.


The sight of a pretty woman with a french braid off to the side hung on her left shoulder, with the grasps of her hands clinging down the sides of her black flared pants.
He could see that the girl was starting to tear up, and it was seconds before the crowd swarmed behind him and he loses sight of her.




Yoongi bursts open the front door and Jimin closes it shut. The wavering in his voice showed panic and fear mixed in.

'What in the world is going on?' thought Jimin as he turned to face Yoongi who was having a hard time.

"Hey-" Jimin says softly, placing his hands on his shoulders. "What happened? Why did that girl shout your name?"

Yoongi whirls around and hugs Jimin, tightly. Jimin could feel Yoongi's whole body shake from head to toe, his body turning all sorts of different temperature.

"I-I saw her! I saw her! It! Whatever! She's here, a-and I don't know how!"

Yoongi tried to catch his breath, but it didn't work. He was so swept up in the moment that he hasn't realised that he had caused a huge fuss, and soon Aunt Jung, Sohyun and Aeri came down.

"What in the world is going on?" Aeri asks them as soon as she reached the floor.

"Can I or can I please just have a normal day~" Jung whines while closing her textbook shut.

"Who? Who did you see?" Jimin stares at Yoongi with intensity, ignoring his family members.

Sohyun who stood off to the side, walked over to Yoongi and pats his back. Jimin could feel a bit of jealousy hit him as he sees his aunt touch his boyfriend, knowing their past history.

Aeri who saw, shook her head in disappointment as she couldn't believe it.

"Yoongi," Sohyun says softly. "Who did you see?"

Yoongi looks up from Jimin and tried to stand up straight but stumbles back, making Jimin and Sohyun both hold onto him for support.

"I-I think I need to sit down." says Yoongi, a bit more relaxed than before.

"Okay-" Sohyun answers before Jimin grabs onto Yoongi's side and helps walk him over to the living room where the couch and sofas were.

Slowly placing him down, Yoongi rubs his eyes and took in several huge breaths to try and calm himself. It was such a blur. One minute he was going to order, and the next minute he sees her.

"Woori." he blurts out suddenly. Everyone who gathered to sit, froze in place, even Jimin.


Sohyun sits and stares not believing what she heard while both of her sisters were clueless.

"Woori.." Jimin mouths to himself, before he remembered. The girl he saw earlier, the one who was calling for Yoongi.
The one crying, the one who killed Yoongi.
That was Woori.

It was as if something got caught in his throat, no words could come out. No matter how much he tried, there was nothing. Just pure shockness, the way Yoongi felt. Jimin couldn't believe who he saw.

"But how?! I-I thought, wait-" Sohyun stood up and walked around the living room for a bit, trying to calm down. Aeri who suddenly broke the silence, made the air clear for both her and Jung.

"Okay what is going on? Who is this Woori that you guys are talking about? And why does she have anything to do with you Yoongi?"

Jimin held onto Yoongi's hands, rubbing it against his, trying to calm down this jumpy feeling he has inside. Holding his breath, Yoongi coughed up his words.

"I- She's the reason why I was in that world."

"What? What do you mean?" Jung questions.

Sohyun spun around and ran her hands up and down her arms rapidly to increase heat.

"Woori is-" Jimin begins, until he is cut off.

"She used to be Yoongi's fiancee. Until.. That happened."



The whole night, it was like the tell tale 'dream world' all over again. Yoongi explained everything to Aeri and Jung with the help of Sohyun who retold her experience. It was an uncomfortable environment for Jimin who was sitting next to his boyfriend being shut with silence. Everyone seemed very interested in his and her story that they forgot all about Jimin, who was practically invisible to their eyes.

"But how is Woori able to come back?.. I'm still confused on that part.." Sohyun leans back in the couch and huff. Yoongi's muscle tightened against his skin quickly just thinking back to what happened earlier.

"What if-"

"Did she tell you how she came back?" Jung interrupts Jimin with her overpowering voice, making Jimin quietly purse his lips shut. Everytime he would say something, he would always get cut off.

As if he didn't exist.

Only Sohyun.. And Yoongi.

Jimin could feel his mood get the best of him, standing up from his sitting. Walking around them and up the stairs, no one bothered to say anything. Not even Yoongi.

Closing the bathroom door, Jimin felt so worthless in himself. There were moments when he wanted to cry because he felt so green with envy. Just looking at Sohyun glancing over at Yoongi every now and then, made it obvious that she still has a thing for him. Prompting himself up against the bathroom sink, Jimin stared at the mirror and looked at himself.

Touching his face, and looking back down at his chest, an uneasy feeling started up from him.

Jimin who was perfectly fine, could suddenly feel a light breeze swept past him. Looking around the tiny room, it started to get dizzy for what seemed like hours.

Holding onto his head, Jimin could feel his voice become raspy, and soon he's coughing.

Hitting his chest quickly, Jimin finally gets ahold of himself before he looks down at his hands and finds what surprises him: blood.


Dream: Fate | Yoonmin fanfic (2nd book)Where stories live. Discover now