Chapter 23

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Taylor's POV

Anne and Harry packed up the following morning and left without saying their goodbyes to me, but I knew that I had accepted Anne's proposal to look after Niall, so I did the same and now I was sitting on a couch sipping some lime soda while Niall was busy doing homework.

"I still don't get it... why do these people teach us history?" Niall asked for like a hundredth time since he had started with the homework.

"Niall I guess, I've already told you that." I replied getting a bit irritated with his question that I've been trying to explain him for a long time. "You know what Niall... I think you should concentrate on your homework rather than flexing your mind around such irrelevant questions." I said and stood up from the couch to flex my muscles a little.

I looked around and believe me I had this genuine smirk on my face. I was here at the Styles' house all alone with a boy who's busy doing his homework and to top it off am a SPY... this was my chance. So while Niall was busy with his history homework, I decided to take a little walk around the apartment.

Earlier Niall's room had proved to be very beneficial to me, but this time I wanted to go check the master bedroom. I went upstairs toward the master bedroom, but found that the door was locked.

"Well, why do these people want me to show of my skills all the time," I said as I took out a small pin like thing from my pocket which was actually like a skeleton key.

I was just about to push the pin in the lock when suddenly I saw a black magnetic strip near the lock. Right there was this alarm which would go off if I tried to unlock this door by my skeleton key... so what should I do trick the alarm? Yes, I could have done that, but I really didn't think it was safe to do so.. the Styles are some clever group of people and I can't just drop them any hints right? So I dropped the idea of searching the bedroom and decided to take a break .

In the evening when Mr. Styles returned from the office, I finished off my duty and wished them goodnight.

I returned to my apartment and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Harry's POV

The whole drive with my mother to this sick aunt's house was awkward. She didn't seem to be depressed anymore... she was just happy you know... the kind of happy you are when you just get good grades in school or something? I don't know if my words are really making sense or not, but the entire situation looked a little fishy to me.

"Mom how far does this sick aunt live?" I asked.

"Just another hour sweetie," mom replied calmly.

"Another hour? We've been driving like for hours now... where the hell does this sick lady lives."

"Mind your tongue Harry."

"But mom this is really pissing me off."

After the heated argument with my mom we finally arrived a tour destination and just according to my suspicion we weren't here to meet a sick lady at all.

"Mom where are we?" I asked as I opened and closed the doors of every room in this small house frantically.

"Calm down Harry...why are you--"

"Calm down?" I said cutting her off. "You lied to me mom and now you're asking me to calm down?"

"Listen Harry, I know you're a bit angry with me right now, but you need to understand son... this trip is for the betterment of our family."
"Yes... I lied about the whole sick aunt thing Harry but..."
"But what mom and you call this a trip where there's no dad and no Niall.....wait a trip with Kendall.....really mom?"

"Listen Haz you are not understanding me."
"So why don't you speak the truth mom, why?"
" are just a bit stressed out now and I brought you here to relax your mind. Now do one thing, you go and take a shower and go to sleep. We'll talk about this in the it ok?"
"You're impossible mom," I said and banged the door at her face. I jumped over the bed and bored my face deep in the pillow and I never really realized when I fell asleep.


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