Chapter 19

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I waited for the morning to come... I sat silently in the lap of darkness and waited for the sun to rise, for I knew that the coming morning would change my life forever... I just had hunch you know.. maybe I was just over-thinking, but no matter how hard I tried I just could not distract myself... I just thought that I was going insane!


I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. It was 9:00 am. I just don't remember how I slept last night but I did... the result was a severe ache on my neck because I just slept on the floor... great!

I stood up and tried to focus again which was hard to do because I was having a severe headache. I knew I didn't have much time to waste, so I quickly went for shower and dressed up. After checking my handbag was full of every essential equipment and putting my safety on, I went out of the house to meet Louis

**At Louis' Office**

"How long?" I asked the receptionist for the tenth time since I had been there.
"Just 2 minutes more." She replied this time with a rude expression on her face.
"This is getting too much!" I stood up from the chair and dashed out of the waiting room and went straight into Louis' office.
"Why were you testing my patient?" I screamed at him as soon as I entered the cabin.
"I wasn't I was just busy with a client," he said calmly.
"But I don't see a client here!" I said while crossing my arms against my chest and sticking my chin out.
"Over the phone. I mean!"
"You're just too much!" I said while I sat on the chair.
"So what's the reason for this temper of yours?"
"Me?" He asked with his eyes wide like hell.
"Yes, you!"
"What did I do?"
"You lied... Louis, you lied!" I snapped at him.
"And what makes you think so?"

Oh! So he really had the guts to still argue... but I was determined to make him spill out everything and therefore without uttering another word, I quickly shoved down the papers on the desk which consisted of the printouts of the Styles' history and picture of none other than Alison !

"Where'd you get that from?" Louis asked in a rather cool tone.
"And this picture?" He asked while holding up Alison's picture in his hand and closely examining it.
"I'm a spy... are you forgetting that?"
"No, I'm not... I'm just amazed." He said and let out a little laugh.
"I don't believe you're grinning?"
"I'm just too proud of you?"
"I said I'm too proud of you."
"Louis, if you're gonna say that you hid all these facts from me just because you wanted to test my skills, don't ever think I'm gonna believe that!"
"Taylor... I... I..."

"Taylor... I-I don't think that it's the right time, you still have a lot of investigations left to complete."
"Really? Who do you think I am... a fool? No, Louis I'M NOT. And by the way... at first I just doubted but now I don't have any reason to doubt that even you are involved in all this mess."
"Look Taylor, you're getting it all wrong."

"No... I did but now I just got right! Gosh! I should have known... I should have known that there was a reason why you called me for this case and not anyone else. But I just got trapped! I guess I trusted you too much to even give it a second thought. You were the last person on this planet whom I was expecting to be betrayed by... but guess what? You just proved me wrong... again!" I closed my eyes and sighed.

The entire world was spinning around me... I no longer knew who I was or where I belonged? Was I Alison and not Taylor? Why did Louis and Mr Tomlinson lie to me? I just didn't have any answer to all those questions that were spinning in my head.

"Umm... looks like you don't have anything to argue about right?" I said to Louis who was sitting right in front of me dumbfounded!

I didn't say another word because somewhere I had got my answers... yes my answer was a silence... the silence that was questioning my identity... the silence that was piercing my head more strongly than even a ultrasonic could have done... yes now I know why they say 'silence speaks louder than words'.

I opened the door of the cabin and quietly stepped out and no I didn't look back. I had left all the papers on Louis' desk because I thought I no longer needed them... I just gave up on this case and everything else. I just didn't know where to go once I was out of this office... maybe I'll leave this city or just hang around in a diner... I just don't know.


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