"Release. my. sister"

The Vendice looked at the source of the authoritative voice, only to find glowing mismatched orbs glaring at them. One was the color of sunset while the other was the color of a rainbow.

No, seriously, it was alternating between red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

Her eyes burned with resolve, surprising Nagi who hadn't seen those eyes in years and was used on seeing her sister's dull and lifeless eyes.

"Who are you to order us"

It was not a question.

Her left eye settled on orange, "I am no one, but if it involves my sister, then consider me you worst enemy" she growled.

"Tsu-nee!!" Nagi cried out, running to the arms of Tsuna, whose left eye changed to yellow so did her flames as she started to heal Nagi unknowingly.

To say the Vendice was shocked is an understatement, no, they were beyond shocked as they stared at what used to be their indestructible chain, now a pile of melted metal.

All the Vendice shared a look, not that it could be seen anyway, as they conversed telepathically, 'That girl.....'

'Perhaps the one we need to capture is the other.'

'It clearly shows that is the case, besides, the Estraneo is a weak Famiglia to begin with'

'That may be so but still, Why not capture both of them?'

'No. I have the feeling that if we capture the younger one, the older one will go on a rampage'


'Are you that stupid or is your brain missing. Our chains that was suppose to be indestructible were melted by her. She's clearly powerful, too powerful, maybe on the same level as Jager-sama'

The Vendice nodded at each other, making a  decision.

"Let's make a deal, child with the flames"

Tsuna's eyes narrowed, "What kind of deal would that be?"

"We will let the other one go, if you take her place." One vendice said.

"The question is...." the second Vendice trailed off.

"Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for her freedom?" the third one asked.

"What makes you think I'll agree when I can fight you all instead?"

"Don't try to threaten us, child. It is true you can fight us, seeing your power, you can even defeat us....." the first Vendice began.

"But. Fighting the whole vendice is another story." the second vendice said.

"We are one. What the other feels, we feel. If you harm us, the whole vendice will know and see what's going on" the third one added.

"Leading to capturing you both." The fourth vendice concluded.

"So what will it be?" The fifth one asked.

"Will you take the burden alone?" The sixth one challenged.

"Or would you rather be imprisoned in the highest security level with your sister." The seventh one stated.

"Choose" all of them said at the same time.

Nagi's eyes widen when he saw the look on her sister's face. She shouted a loud resounding NO. All eyes turned to the violet haired girl.

"No, Tsu-nee!! Don't listen to them!! You said you'll never leave me, right? Please, Tsu-nee, don't.....don't leave me....please don't leave me like they did to us...." Nagi bursted out, tears now falling down her cheeks.

"Nagi...." Tsuna muttered, gathering her surrogate little sister in her warm embrace. Nagi clutched Tsuna's lab gown, ignoring the blood stain.

While Nagi was sobbing on Tsuna's gown, Tsuna looked up to meet the eyes of the vendice.

She had made her decision.

The vendice silently nodded as they summoned their black portal.

Tsuna hugged Nagi, "I'll always be with you, Nagi.." she whispered. Nagi's grip on her gown tightened and her eyes widen in horror as Tsuna whispered the rest, "....wherever I may be."

Nagi fell down as Tsuna stood up and walked towards the awaiting Vendice. Since their chains were useless, they couldn't chain her.

Nagi reached a hand out to her sister's form, "NO, TSU-NEE!!"

Tsuna stopped when she was inside the portal with the Vendice, she turned her head, a sad painful smile graced her lips as she let a lone tear fell down from her right eye.

Endless tears ran down Nagi's wide eyes as Tsuna mouthed her last words to her.

I'm sorry

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