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She scoffed. "Spare me the crap and put me down."

He smirked a little. "But I like holding you like this, baby." He noticed the faint pink tint in her cheeks as she heard his words and hid her face beneath her hair. He gently laid her on the bed and pushed her hair away from her face. "Don't hide from me, love. You're cute when you're flustered."

She pushed him away from her and went to the door. "If you stop me, I'll—"

"Huh? Were you saying something, babe?" He asked whilst his hand was on the small of her back. The dark glint in his eyes filled with love and passion as he stared into her soul. He leaned closer to her face near her neck. She could feel his breath tickle her neck, igniting a fire in her. He smirked to himself knowing his diversion is working. His lips grazed her neck earning a soft gasp from her. She pushed him away trying to recollect herself looking away from him.

"Stop trying to distract me, Cameron," she said coldly.

"Even if I weren't trying to distract you, I could still sense the tension on you, baby. Come on, relax. Let me help you," Cameron left a kiss on her neck, her cheek and her lips. "Like I said, you can deal with Zayn later."


Cameron woke up to the scent of cinnamon and apples. Getting off the bed, he ran his hands through his bed-ridden hair and headed towards the door. Dragging his feet, he made his way to the kitchen and found Riley wearing an apron whilst focused while cooking. Smiling a little, he slipped behind her and hugged her.

"What are you making, doll-face? It smells delicious," he told her kissing the back of her neck.

"An apple pie," she answered. "Now, release me. I need to take the pie out before it starts burning."

As he let her go, he leant against the island and watched her. The minute his eyes landed on the pie; his mouth began watering. The beautiful, golden pastry was sitting on the island as Riley began putting last time touches on it. He could smell the cinnamon, the apples. Whilst Riley wasn't looking, he tried to sneak and grab a slice of the pie, but Riley's hand latched around his wrist.

"Touch the pie, and I will take your hand off your body," she whispered in his ear. Slowly, he retracted his hand and turned to her.

"Fine, but I get the first slice, babe." Cameron stepped back after he kissed her cheek. "You better save me a piece."

"How about no? the first slice is mine. I made it," she told playfully. She began to cut into the delicious looking pie when Cameron opened the cabinet behind her and set a plate down beside her. She placed a slice on the plate and went to grab a fork. As soon as she turned her back, Cameron picked up and tried to run with it.

Knowing how sneaky Cameron is, Riley turned back to see him with the plate in his hand. "I know you're not about to eat my slice of the pie, Cameron. You better put it down before this fork reach between your eyes."

"Make me put it down then, baby," he challenged her earning a sly look from her. She then stepped up to him after taking the apron off. Once he noticed what she was wearing, it was game over. His mind went to a place it shouldn't. The color in his eyes changed two shades darker. So did his aura—all of it in a thick coat of lust and desire. "I told you not to wear them tight shorts around me, love."

She chuckled playfully running her hand down his chest as she looked him in the eyes. "And I told you that I wear what I want. Not my fault, you can't control your urges." She shrugged taking the plate from him. "Thank you for my pie. You boys can help yourselves with the rest. Bye, Cam."

"Do I smell cinnamon apple pie?" Marcus approached the kitchen excited then smirked when he noticed Cameron. "Boy, you got a problem there."

Cameron glared at him and went to the bedroom where Riley was. He saw her sitting on the bed enjoying the pie in her tight gray shorts and oversized white t-shirt. He approached her taking the pie from her hands. His dark orbs boring into her light ones. "You got a problem to fix, missy."

She laughed a little. "No, I don't. And you did say you wouldn't go any further than kisses and hugs considering my situation. Take care of it, yourself."

The next thing she knew, he was hovering over her. Their faces inches apart. His hot breath fanned against her skin, sending chills down her spine. "This is the last time I'm letting you side, baby. Next time, them shorts will be gone." His lips grazed the corner of hers leaving her speechless.


They were all sitting in the living room discussing how they plan to take him off Riley's tracks. Although it has been a month since they left the country, Cameron knew that he was still looking for her. He knew that he had something to prove. But what was it that he's trying to prove? What is he trying to do?

"What kind of diversion do you guys want to unleash?" Eli asked.

"I just want all of this to be over so I can move onto my next target," Riley said glaring at Zayn.

"I want to hit him where it hurts, but I don't want to tarnish the entire FBI organization," Cameron expressed concerned. "He didn't start the program alone. He had his older brother and his father funded it."

Eli smirked. "All the better. The FBI needs a cleanse anyway. They've been a little too messy within just ten years."

"What if Riley's name ends getting dragged into it? She's still Matt's daughter. It wouldn't look good on his image," Marcus chimed in.

"What if I told everyone?" Zayn suggested. "That way Riley or Matt's name doesn't get tarnished."

Eli nodded saying no. "You can't. You're associated with them. Their names would still get tarnished and West's image takes a hit. We can't have that. Which is why I'll be the one to do it."

Cameron raised a brow. "Won't you get exposed? If the world finds out who the leader of the infamous Torres Mafia, then you make it easy for the FBI or CIA to find you. You're still a wanted criminal, did you forget?"

Eli chuckled. "Don't underestimate me, dragon. I'm always prepared for any situation. They couldn't find me even if they tried. I can easily get the Castro's dirt smeared without any of us getting found. So, give me all the dirt you got."

Cameron smirked. "How's a flash-drive filled with everything for you?"



WHEW! Can we talk about that moment between Cameron and Riley though? I mean. There are going to be a lot more moments like this between them. However, How do you guys feel about this chapter. Are you guys ready things to get intense? Way more intense than it already has been? 

They got a lot of tea on the FBI. But what could it be besides Riley and Cameron's back story? 

See you guys next time where the presents start getting unwrapped hehe.

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Black Mask [formerly known as The Street Fighter]- BOOK Iحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن