Chapter 97: Heart Skipped A Beat

Start from the beginning

Joey: Hey what's up you guys! Today has been an...emotional day, for both me and Shane... Something really personal-

Shane: And private.

Joey: Happened earlier this day that we aren't going to talk about...but on a brighter note, we're leaving for Boston later.

Shane: It's a 5am flight!

Joey: By the time you guys see this vlog we'll already be there. Ahh I can't wait to see all of my family again!

Shane: This'll be your first time visiting them as an engaged man.

Joey: Oh my god! I never thought of that!

Shane: It's like 4 months til we are expected to get married!

Joey: Well that is all for today! I'm going to combine this clip with the stuff I filmed yesterday, anyways-

Shane: Question of the day! Since I'm not vlogging we'll do it on your channel!

Joey: Okay, question of the day?

Shane: What do you want me and Joey to do while in England?

Joey: May the odds, be ever in yooouur favor! Goooodbye!

*Stops vlogging*

I put my camera on my nightstand, next to my phone and passport so I would remember to lift it.

Shane: I think I'm finished packing!

Joey: Me too!

Shane: I have my laptop, camera, vlogging camera, phone, cables and clothes.

Joey: Is that all?

Shane: Yeah, why what do you have?

Joey: The same, but I'm bringing a book to read on the plane.

Shane: You're bringing one more thing than I am.

Joey: Oh , ha.

Shane: I hope we don't get another jerk on the flight like the last time!

Joey: I wonder what ever happened to that guy? Shouldn't we have gone to court or something to press charges?

Shane: I don't know, let the cops deal with him.

Joey: I want to know what happened to him now!

Shane: So do I, but oh well.

Joey: What time is it?

Shane: It's 8pm...

Joey: So it's 1,2,3,4-

Shane: 9 hours?

Joey: 9 hours until our flight?

Shane: Yup!

Joey: We could go to bed now, or do, something?

Shane: Wanna say bye to someone? In person?

Joey: Yeah! Luke!

Shane: Alright, let's go! But quickly!

Joey: Im going!

*Luke's house*

I ran up ahead of Shane and rang the door bell and waited for Luke to answer,

Shane came up be my side and waited with me.

*door opens*

Luke: Hey- JOEY! SHANE!

"LUKE!" We both shouted.

Luke: What are you guys doing here, don't you have an early flight to Boston tomorrow?

Joey: Yeah but we wanted to say bye! We're going to be gone for a while!

Luke: Awwww you guys!

He wrapped an arm around each of us.

Luke: Everything going okay you guys?

Shane: Yeah...

Luke: That wasn't very enthusiastic! Is everything between you both okay?

Shane: Ha yeah Luke! We're fine...

Luke: Then what's going on?

Shane: My dad.

Luke: Oh that doesn't sound good.

Shane: It isn't.

Luke: Is he in town? Is that why you're going?

Shane: He's here, but that's not why we're going. He Umm, "visited" us this morning.

Luke: Ah man.

Shane: I was his punching bag.

Luke: dude I'm sorry!

Shane: Don't worry about, he's an asshole to be honest.

Luke: Why are we still standing outside? Come in!

We stayed at Luke's until 10pm and decided to go home so we could get plenty of sleep!

*At the apartment*

Shane climbed into bed next to me and we cuddled.

Shane: I don't know how I'm going to wake up at 3am!

Joey: When you wake up don't make it seem like you were ever asleep, that's how I do it.

Shane: I'll try it.

Joey: Ha, goodnight Shane...

Shane: Night, babe.

That word, babe. When he called me that my heart skipped a beat.


GUYS! 2 million reads! So crazy! Never did I fe fi fo tever think that I would get 2,000,000 reads, I still haven't got my head around it so I haven't fully freaked out, yet! Thank you all so much, especially the people that are still reading! I love you guys so much!

BOOORRRING CHAPTER! What do you want Joey and Sha e to do in England like in the question of the day! I'm to excited to hurry up and post this so I'll fix mistakes tomorrow!

Sorry for the long wait for this chapter.

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