"Can you sit down for me? Just a quick chat, yeah," he said nodding his head.

I made an unsure face and decided to sit where I was a few metres from where he stood. He smiled warmly and sat down where he was.

"It's Jezebel right?" He asked.

My heart skipped a beat. He knew my name. How did he know my name? I barely nodded with wide eyes.

His voice changed to soft and silky, but with an underlying sense of persistence, "You just woke up didn't you?"

I was starting to feel really worried and a little panicked. How did this guy know things that he shouldn't? Words escaped me and right now all I felt like doing was running like hell. He raised his eyebrows still waiting for an answer. I clenched my fingers into a fist because they had started to shake uncontrollably. His expression turned to slightly annoyed when I didn't respond.

He tried again, "You are Jezebel Spencer and on Halloween you were awakened. You only just woke up, is that correct?"

My mouth was left agape. What the hell was he talking about? What he was saying made something in the back of my mind stir but it didn't make itself clear. I was puzzling over this but I saw him move closer to me. I jumped up and he moved to grab me. As I shot up I something caught my eye. I looked down at my singlet and got a better look at what I'd glimpsed. A red dot was wavered over my chest. Even in the state I was in I knew what it was. A gun.

I looked back up at the guy who took advantage of my distraction and was now standing right in front of me. I went to take a step back but he held up a hand and indicated the red dot. I froze.

"Move and he'll shoot," he warned.

I swallowed and looked back down at the dot.

"Look I don't want to hurt you," he said soothingly.

He slowly took something out of his pocket. I looked back up as he moved. From the front pocket of his jeans he pulled out a syringe. My whole body filled with dread and fear. I had to get out of there now. He said he didn't want to hurt me but sure did want something from me. The closer he moved to me the more scared I became. I was hyperventilating by the time he was tilting my head to the side to get better access to my neck.

The emotions inside continued to build to the point where I thought I was going to explode. In a way I did. The moment I could feel the cold metal of the needle on my neck I freaked. An enormous wave of gold power burst from my body. It dazzled my eyes and left me blinking and rubbing them. I didn't feel any different after letting off that amount of power in fact I felt energized. The guy was lying on the floor and wasn't moving. I was hoping he was unconscious or stunned. Not dead.

I looked down to my singlet. No red dot. He was starting to stir on the floor just a tiny bit so I sprinted. I ran as hard and as fast as I could. Running on dry sand is difficult but when you're running for your life the further you get away the better. It didn't take me long to get home. I took the stairs two at a time and flung the door open. I was breathing hard and panic was threatening to overcome me. I fumbled with the lock and finally got it.

I stood in the middle of the dining room unsure of what to do but at that moment my room felt like the safest place. With my hands still shaking I ran up to the next floor and headed straight for my room. I closed the door quickly and stood in the middle of the room. Only then did it occur to me that I should call for help. Although it had never crossed my mind I pulled out my phone. I wondered about why I hadn't thought of it before.

Without think about it I dialled a number. I hadn't even realised who I had called my fingers just reflexively knew the number. I kept thinking I could hear people outside or down stairs. It rung and rung but no one picked up. It went to message bank and I started to feel really scared. They were going to come and take me and no one would know what had happened.

The message tone sounded, "Josh, Josh! Pick up your phone. Please pick up your phone. There are-there's these people and he tried to-"

I jumped a mile into the air as I heard an enormous crash from downstairs. I could hear glass tinkling to the ground.

I kept talking in an urgent panic, "Josh, Josh help they're trying to take me or something. They know who I am and they're in the house! Josh, please help m-"

A hand came from behind me and smothered my last cry for help.  Another person came from behind me and hung up the phone and threw it to the floor. I was so shocked at first that it didn't even occur to me to struggle. But when I saw the needle reappear I freaked out. I elbowed whoever was holding me in the ribs and he obviously wasn't expecting it because he let go of me. The only thing that was running through my mind was that I only had to hold them off until Josh got here. Assuming Josh got here.

Josh's POV

I was just about to sit down at a table for lunch when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I sat down in the chair at the table we always sit at and pulled out my iPhone. I unlocked it and realised I had a missed call and a voicemail. My heart stopped and I nearly dropped my phone when the name of the caller appeared on the message details. Jezebel.

"Josh, what's up? You look like you're having a heart attack or something," Chase joked.

I could hear the rest of the boys laugh but I didn't react. I mechanically stood up and walked a few metres from the table to listen to the message. Chase gave me a funny look so I turned away so I didn't get distracted.

My heart speed up when the message started. She was finally awake and I missed her call! I missed it!

The message started straight away -"Josh, Josh! Pick up your phone. Please pick up your phone. There are-there's these people and he tried to-"

There was a massive crash in the background and I started to get a horrible feeling. She sounded terrified and confused. But someone should be there with her. What was going on?

After a pause she came back talking urgently - "Josh, Josh help they're trying to take me or something. They know who I am and they're in the house! Josh, please help m-"

Her last words were cut off and then so was the message. The line went dead and all feeling in my body went. I felt numb and I didn't know what to do. I slowly turned around completely speechless and expressionless. I tried to swallow but my mouth was too dry. Something was seriously wrong. Jezebel was in danger and I was standing here doing nothing, wasting time.

I ran back over to the table, "Chase get up we gotta go now!"

Chase stood up confused, "What's wrong? What's going on?"

"It's Jezebel, something wrong. We need to get over there now. Grab Mack and let's go," I replied quickly.

Chase looked worried briefly before he moved over to where Mack was sitting and pulled him out of his seat. Chase pulled him over and I explained what was going on.

"We need to run fast, ok. Something is really wrong. I think they found her," I told them seriously.

They nodded.

"Then let's go," Mack said.

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