"I love you so much" One of the girls starts crying, the others fanning their eyes so they don't cry. "Can we have a picture?" The more calm looking one asks. Louis nods and puts his arms around all of them, pulling me in the picture "Say cheese" He smiles at the camera and i'm sure the girls are crying in the picture but they probably don't care. "I love you Louis" the girl says again
"I Love you too" He gives the girl a kiss on the cheek and she squeals loudly "Are all the other boys here too?"

"No, sadly they did not want to come"

"Louis!" I whisper to him when we're walking back to our seats. "What??"

"Niall is here, he is one of you guys"

"She asked if they were all here, they aren't all here. She didn't ask who was here" I roll my eyes but smile anyways, he's so weird.

"YES!!" Niall yells and stand up, cheering. The whole stadium is cheering for the home team who just scored a goal or a point or something I don't know what.I cheer anyways to be a good sport, high fiveing Niall.

The game is over, it was stressful but the home team won by 1 point. Everybody was yelling and cheering when the game was ended, we stopped by the shop to pick up a jersey for Liam Zayn and Harry. I don't know if they'll want it or not, but if not then Louis and Niall can have them. Bottom line; somebody will want it. We now have to catch the train back to the station, and drive back home.

"Did you know that Harry loves the colour green?" I say to Niall when we're on the train. I have to make the most talk about Harry right now, just since he had asked me not to before.

I don't actually know if Harry loves that colour but i think he does, im pretty sure. "Really? Me too"

"Also, he has a car from that company" I point to a passing car dealership.

"We once went on a date to that restaurant, not that exact one but the same chain."

"Yeah?" He seems to not really care, but still enough to pretend.

"Yeah. He used to wear big glasses and slick his hair back every day before he went to the x factor" Both of them turn their heads to face me "Really?" I smirk and pull out my phone, showing them a picture "Yep" Niall laughs when he sees the picture and Louis smirks "Wow, he looks like he' living in the 50's with that hair" They both laugh and I show them more pictures of us before the x-factor.

"Guys this is our stop" We get off the train, heading to the car. Today doesn't seem like that long of a day, but it feels long. I'm tired of walking, sitting, screaming people, trains everything I just want to go back to Niall's house already.

"Finally!" Louis says as he turns off the car in Niall's driveway. "We were gone forever, I miss my baby" For a second I think he's talking about Harry, so I raise my eyebrows at him and almost say something but he beats me to it "Hopefully she missed me too" She. Right. It's Danielle. For once.
"We're home!" I yell into the house, but nobody seems to be around. I can see Zayn and Liam outside in the backyard, Danielle and Harry are nowhere to be found "Harry?" I yell, hoping to find out where he is. No answer.

"Harry?" I walk upstairs and into our room, the lights are off. I turn them on and I can see a lump in the bed, so I walk over. "You in here?" I pull off the covers and sure enough he's there, but he just pulls them back over while groaning. "I'm back" I smile but he doesn't move. Okay then.

"Why are you tired I'm the one that got up early and went out to the city" I laugh a little, hoping to get a response from him. Maybe he's just tired..but it's 4pm.. "Haaarrry, is everything okay?" I know he's not one to sleep forever, that's always been Niall and Zayn.

"Go away" Okay, something's wrong. I sigh and sit on the bed, pulling away the covers. "Okay. Tell me what's wrong"

"Just go away" I pull off the covers completely and put them on the floor. I notice his phone on the bed beside him, and the pillows look wet. Uh oh. I turn on his phone to try and find out why he's crying and ignoring me, an article pops up. There's a big picture of me and Louis holding hands when we were walking to the restaurant, then a smaller picture of us sleeping on the train, my head on his soulder and his arm around me. The last picture is of me when I was flinging frenchfries at him, the ketchup does look strangely like lipstick. Ugh, why does everybody have to take so many pictures of us at bad angles.

The headline reads "Jodie Rogers cheating on Harry Styles with best man Louis Tomlinson?" There's multiple pictures of us that if I didn't know what actually happended, I'd believe it too. Ugh, this ones on me. I didn't even think when I grabbed his hand, I was trying to make sure he didn't get lost. "Harry, it's no-"

"I don't want to hear your excuses Jodie, go" He pulls a pillow over his head and shoes me away. I've watched enough romance movies to know thats exactly what I shouldn't have said. Or started to say..

"Harry, just let me explain"

"I'm not listening. Go away" Uggggh. He won't listen to me right now, he's too mad or sad or I don't know. I'll have to find him later after he's calmed down. Liam. I need Liam.

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