Chapter 6: Calm Before The Storm

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As we pulled into the driveway it hit me. What were we going to tell my family? Were we going to tell my family? Were we going to keep it a secret? Did they already know that this was bound to happen? And my dad, my dad was going to kill Jake. I started to freak out. 

"Are you ok?" Jake asked me. He must have noticed that I had tensed up and that my breathing had gotten heavier. 

"It's just I"m worried about how my family will react to us."

"Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine."

"How do you know?

"Trust me, Ness."

"Ok." I took a deep breath as we walked across the driveway and up to the front door. Jake opened the door and acting as if everything was the same. So I guess we were going to act as if nothing happened. I followed him in trying not to act suspicious.

"How was it with your human friend?" Emmet asked.

"It was good. It was interesting to see a normal family in their natural habitat." I answered back with sarcasm.

"You were careful, weren't you?" my dad asked.

"Yes, dad." Maybe pretending nothing happened was going to be easy. I was grateful that Alice and Jasper were out hunting, because I am sure he would be able to feel my uneasiness. Alice! Did she see us? Will she tell my parents? Before I could continue torturing myself with this thought I notice Jake sit down on the couch and he began to watch TV with the others. Ok, I can do this. I thought to myself. All I have to do is act normal and Jake and I can figure out how and when we can tell the others, until then I don't mind sneaking around. It should be a fun secret romance. 

After a while I went back to my house and Jacob walked me back because my parents were already there.

"Wait, before you go in." He pulled me aside away from the light coming from the main house and began to kiss me. I put my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to him. "Goodnight," he said as he pulled away.

"How are we going to tell my parents and the family about us?" I asked.

"Oh, they know," he replied as he walked away. They know?! Before I could formulate a question he was gone. I heard his chuckle coming from the darkness. I took a deep breath as I opened the door. I was hoping they would be in the room so I wouldn't have to face them. What was I supposed to say? I saw my dad sitting on the couch reading a book of poetry. Here goes nothing. 

"Hi, dad." I said as I sat down next to him. He put his arm around me as I nestled up against him.

"Now I know how you grandpa Charlie felt. If I had known that I would not have married you mom so young."

"Yeah right, noting could have stopped you from marrying her." I joked just happy we were acknowledging the subject but not going into detail.

"I know you're right. It's just hard letting go of my little girl." He gave me a hug.

"I'm not going anywhere. I promise." I stayed on the couch with him as he read poems aloud like when I was younger and I drifted to sleep.

I must have been really tired because I woke up in my bed the next morning, I hadn't noticed when he moved me. I laid there for a few minutes trying to remember if everything that happened yesterday was real or just my imagination. I went over to a friend's house (who wasn't a vampire or a werewolf), and Jacob is finally my boyfriend. I smiled when I remembered the kisses we shared and wondered when we would be able to kiss again.

I got ready for school as I daydreamed about what Jake and I would do now that we were a couple. I got butterflies in my stomach when I walked out to the garage. I had to skip breakfast because I took too long getting ready thanks to my wandering mind. Everyone piled into the car and Jake was starting his bike. I looked between the two and quickly decided to ride to school with my boyfriend. I shot an apologetic look to my dad as I climbed onto the back.

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