Chapter 5: Katie

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 I must have drifted to sleep because the next thing I remember was hearing my alarm ring. I got up and went through my usual morning routine trying not to think about anything. It was really hard so I just started going over the U.S. Constitution. I had the test today anyway so I just kept repeating the different Articles and Amendments. I had gone through it at least 10 times before we got to school. The car ride was quiet, but I tried not to pay attention to anything. My dad was quiet, but I tried not to pay attention to anything. My dad had to ask me a question 3 times before I realized he was talking to me.

"Are you ready for your Government test?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, I think I've got it down," I answered.

"I can tell." He had been listening to my thoughts? I bet he was trying to see if I heard anything. "It's rude to listen to other people's thoughts, Dad."

"Sorry." He gave me a nod to my mother, she must have put the shield back up. Thank goodness Jacob didn't come today or this would have been even more awkward. 

The day was going by pretty fast, nothing interesting happened. I sat by myself in all my classes, because Jacob was gone. At lunch I stayed quiet and listened to Alice tell about the party plans and about the dress she bought for me. I tried to be excited, but I'm sure everyone could tell I was feeling down. I even felt a wave of happiness come from uncle Jasper so I shot him a look, and it went away.

Finally, there was only one class left until school was over, Life Science. I took my seat towards the back. I opened my notebook and just started doodling when I heard someone sit down next to me.

"Do you mind if I sit here? I noticed your friend was out today, and you seemed kind of lonely." It was Katie, the girl I had met the other day, her red hair was up in a messy bun, and you could tell she had been in a rush to get ready. She was also just in jeans and a t-shirt unlike many of the other girls.

"It's fine. Sorry about leaving so fast the last time we talked."

"Oh no, it's fine. Was that your sister?"

"Kind of, it's complicated."

"Maybe we can talk about it sometime," she smiled. Mr. Clark walked in and began the class. Today's assignment just happened to be interacting with someone new. 

"I want everyone to partner up with someone they don't know a lot about. We are going to learn about the other person: who they are, what they like, and who their families are. Essentially what makes them. I know you're asking, what does this have to do with life science? Well a science of life involves interacting with other people who are also living. You have until next Wednesday to finish this assignment. I want a one page paper about what you learned while doing this assignment. You can start now." Mr. Clark went across the room splitting people up who obviously knew each other well. "Nice to see you have made a new friend, Miss Cullen," he said as he passed our table.

"Well I guess it's time to tell me about your family." Katie said.

"Why don't you go first?"

"You know what? I have a great idea. Why don't you come over to my house after school today? That war we can finish the assignment early."

"That would be nice. I just have to talk to my brother. Is it ok with your parents if I go?"

"Yeah it's fine. My brothers and I always have people over. I'll just text my mom."

"Ok, cool."

After class, I met the others by the car with Katie. I figured if I brought her along it would be easier for them to say yes.

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