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Wow look at that we have never seen one of these before... Past the point I have some things to talk about. Obviously I haven't been updating (wow Steph thx we fucking know) and yes I know I know but hear me out.
Yes I have a life... Sort of.  I genuinely don't think I've been this busy... Ever. I'm not gonna list them unless you like really want me to but yeah. That'd literally be way to long. But here are some questions.

If I stop updating for a little bit and come back with a fuck ton of one shots would you guys be ok with that? Or are you guys fine with very little, like what's happening as of right now?

Should I just do a couple of more chapters and then finish this thing off because I have other secret ideas that y'all have no clue about its actually really funny. So I could finish this and work on some new content?

So ya, those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

OH AND ALSO another reason updating has been really slow is because I have honestly run out of ideas. So just a little heads up if you guys want updates do not be shy to leave suggestions and stuff I am open to anything no idea is a bad idea (except for the one time I jumped off a swing and landed on my face no joke real story hey look it's another one shot idea I am totally kidding don't kill me)

But yeah that concludes this long ass Authors Note if you made it to the end congratulations you win the realization of "I just wasted 2 minutes reading about some girl falling off a swing"

K I'm gonna shut up now but please please please leave suggestions comments literally anything cause momma needs some help here yes please and thank you.

I still love you guys so very much and I will talk to you later BAIII


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