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Hey you little awesome motherfuckers, I need your opinion on something.

I want to write a full Pentatonix book.
But the thing is that I am so busy I won't have time for daily updates you know. I have a good idea and it involves something I really enjoy (other then PTX of course) and I've never seen a book like it.
I'm not sure how it will work out it might be weird it might be stupid or it might be really cool and successful.
Idk would you guys still read it even if it's different and there won't be daily updates (I don't think)

Maybe I can start it in the summer which I could do daily updates but idk.

Sorry this was long and I am ranting but I LOVE YOU THANK YOU GUYS FOR 700 FUCKING READS YOU GUYS ARE THE SHIT :*


It sounds stupid, but there is a feeling in my chest I can't describe. I see him going out with other people, and it's not that I'm jealous, it's that I want to be there too. I want to laugh with him and I want his arms wrapped around me. I want him. Am I jealous? Fuck it, I'm jealous.

I sat up from my bed and walked over to the couch.
"How come he didn't invite me?" I asked the small cat that climbed up on my lap the second I sat down, making a small smile appear on my lips.
I know that it's stupid and he probably just wants to hang out with his friends, but paranoid me always thinks it's something more.
He is probably beyond drunk and not thinking about me anyway.
Wyatt just purred and made himself comfortable.
I gently petted him small head.
"What can I do, what can I do" I mumbled to myself.
I took out my phone and started to go through my contacts.

With Alyssa.
With Jeremy.

I turned my phone off with an annoyed huff.
I know that he loves me and I know I love him, a lot. But I just don't know why I feel he would rather be with his friends, instead of with me.

I shook my head and stood up, making Wyatt jump off of me. I walked over to the kitchen and bent down to open the alcohol cabinet.
"Hello again, for the third time this fucking week"
I took out the vodka and shut the cupboard, walking back to the couch.
I sat down in the same spot once again and turned on some spongebob.
"Ugh" I said as I set down the bottle after I took a huge swig of the strong alcohol.

I could already feel the buzz by my fifth large gulp. And soon enough I was yelling in the house
"Why the fuck doesn't he want me!" I screamed, making Wyatt run and hide in fear.

"What did I do!"
"I fucking love you!"

Soon enough the third bottle was out and the intoxicating liquid were turning me into a crying mess.
I curled up into a small ball on the floor and started to cry in guilt.
I know that he loves me and I doubted him, why did I do this? I don't deserve him? He is too good for me. Everything he does, everything he says. The way he makes my heart flutter whenever he says those three words. Or the way my body tingles when his lips touch mine. Or when...

My thoughts got interrupted when the front door was open and a familiar voice called out my name
"Oh my god Mitchz what's wrong" A strong pair of arms picked me up and set me on his lap. I eventually looked up and saw a complete sober Scott with an extreme look of worried on his face.
"What is the matter Mitch, baby you can tell me anything." I let out a few more sobs, before I finally was able to form a kind of coherent sentence.
"I-I thought th-that you didn't l-love me a-anymore so I d-drank and then I-I felt guilty b-because you a-are too g-good for me and I-I doubted you" I finished off, letting out my feelings. Making me cry even harder.
His soft hands started rubbing comforting circles in my back, accompanied by a soft shushing noise.

"Listen. I love you, so so so much and I don't want you ever thinking that you are not good enough for me because you are way more than enough for me. I am so sorry that I didn't invite you it was selfish of me and I just want you to know that I love you so incredibly much and you are so beautiful and I think you are amazing and I am so sorry"
He whispered. His soothing voice calmed me down until there was only occasional hitches of my breath from crying so much.
"I'm so sorry." I apologized again.
He turned me over so that I was straddling his waist, making me look at him straight in the eye.
"Please, please don't be sorry." He pleaded. I nodded my head and his hands reached up to cup my face, making us both smile. Just enjoying each other's presence.
"I love you" I whispered
"I love you too baby"
And with that our lips touched  in a sweet, passionate filled kiss. Every unsaid emotion was showed in a one, not so short kiss. I pulled away breathless and laid my head down on his chest with a yawn.
"How are you the one who went out, but I'm the one that's drunk?" I asked randomly. A small chuckles escaped Scotts lips and I could feel the vibrations in my chest, lying against him.
"I don't know baby, I don't know" He said softly, running his fingers through my hair.
A few minutes of comfortable  silence was all that was heard, only when my tired yawn escaped my lips.
"Let's get you into bed" Scott said and sat up, still holding me against his hips. . Me clinging on tightly. He walked to our shared bedroom and gently laid me down on the bed. His hands started going down and taking off my shirt, along with my pants.
It didn't have to be sexual, it didn't have to be sexy.
Once I was only in my boxers I scooted up and laid my head on the pillow, waiting for Scott to join me. I felt the bed dip and I looked up too see Scott climbing into bed, right next to me.
"Come here" He whispered. I scooter over so that I was pressed against Scotts chest, his muscular arms wrapped around my waist, making me sigh in content.
I reached up and, tried to kiss his lips, but only got up to his shoulder.
Good enough.
"I say this a lot. And every time I say it I mean it more and more because I fall in love with you again, every single day. But I love you so much" I whispered, curling back into a ball against Scotts chest.
A soft pair of lips were placed on my head.

"I love you too baby"

My eyes started getting heavier with every time Scott would run his fingers back through my hair.
And I soon fell asleep in a pair of arms I am too familiar with.

A body I am too familiar with.

And a heart I am too familiar with.

A love I am too familiar with.

Tbh idk what this was I just sort of balled up my feelings and wrote it so I hope you guys like it and please leave comments, suggestions

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