You Proved Me Wrong

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Heyo!!! If you guys can check out my book that'd be awesomeeeee (I know I hate self-promotion to) and it's also like 3 in the morning and I'm still up... :)
I was lying in bed, Beyoncé blasting in my headphones as usual, probably is going to end up giving me hearing problems but, it's totally worth it. After a long day of school I finally got to close my eyes and relax... for seriously two minutes before my phone vibrated. "You got to be kidding me!" I did not want anyone bothering me right now. I unlocked the screen and checked the message. Unknown Number? I opened the new conversation and a gray bubble popped up.
Mitch. It's Scott.

I rolled my eyes, why the hell is this ass hole texting me. I was contemplating on whether to respond or not, but I ended up replying.
What do you want?
And automatically he started typing. Scott and I haven't really had a good history together. He was a jock, (except for lately his been ignoring everyone. Even his jock friends). As he was typing I decided to put his name in my phone.
Asswipe: Mitch, I'm truly sorry for the way I have acted. I was confused and realized that I was being ridiculous. But I really want to say that you seem like great person to hang out with and I've always wanted to be your friend. Please...

You got to be kidding me. I have tried to be nice to him and to ask him if he wants to sit at our god damn lunch table for years and now he is gonna fess up. What the hell?!
While typing my long ass rant, I heard a loud thud from downstairs. I ignored it at first because it was probably just my mom and her clumsiness. So I continued to listen to Queen B and 'talked' to Scott (I was more yelling).
Me: Prove it...

"Oh shit..." I heard my mom scream from downstairs and it wasn't a happy scream. I had my phone in my hand and I bolted downstairs to see what's going on. Standing at the bottom of the stairs the jest thing I noticed was that the front door was open slightly. I looked around and my eyes met a pair of dark green eyes, out in the darkness of my moms room. He didn't see me but I sure saw him. I panicked and started to run upstairs but then I forgot about the real reason I came down here. Was to check on my mom. I turned around quickly to try and see if she was okay, and low and behold I saw her lying on the kitchen floor, with a knife in her chest.
At that moment I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move, she was gone. The only parent I had left is gone and right in front of me is her dead body. My eyes burned from trying to keep back tears as I ran up the stairs. Loud heavy footsteps were heard around the house and luckily, it seemed like he was taking his time. "Oh my god... Oh my god... Oh my god" I ran into my closet and I checked down at my phone.
Two percent.
I couldn't call 911 with only two percent on my phone so, I did the only thing I could do. He knew my address... This is how he is going to prove it.
Me: Call police on my house quick help I nee...
That was all I could type before an apple logo showed up on my screen and the light from my phone no longer illuminated the closet. All I could hear were faint footsteps of a bad, bad man downstairs and the occasional sniffles that accompanied my (mostly) silent crying. It was about 10 minutes before I heard the police sirens out in the distance and them getting louder and louder as they stopped in front of my house. Muffled voices were also heard from outside the window, them probably trying to block the perimeter.
"GO GO GO GO GO!!!!!" Then the front door shot open and more footsteps filled the house. It was silent for just a brief moment, but it was ruined when a loud ringing from a gunshot filled my ears.
I didn't know who shot it, but I'm hoping it was the police
"CHECK IN THE ROOMS!!!" That's what got me, my room door opened and footsteps walking closer to the closet I was still in. The darkness was all over once a tall man opened the closet.
"Come on boy, It's all okay."
I didn't move, I still couldn't move so I had to be picked up and almost carried to the front door where an unexpected visitor was waiting.
"Sir... You can not enter the building"
I couldn't see exactly who it was but I had an idea. It was Scott. Once my senses came back I pushed passed the police blocking him, ignoring there yelling and ran straight into the tall, blondes arms. At that point all I could do was cry. Where do I go, my mom is gone and I don't know how to live. Scott carried me over while I was still crying in his chest, taking fistfuls of his shirt at a time. He still never left my side and sat down next to me. He kept whispering sweet-nothing's in my ear and stroked my hair, yes, it was soothing but that didn't change the fact that I was still hysterical.
"Sir, we would just like to tell you that the house is clear. I understand if you are not willing to take questions at this moment but please come by tomorrow." That's all I heard, I didn't open my eyes, I didn't even respond.
"Thank you so much." Scott said, not missing a beat comforting me while he was talking to the officer.
The last door shut and there was no more cars, just me and Scott sitting on my front porch.
"Heaven couldn't wait for you, Heaven couldn't wait for you, so go on... go home" Scott sang softly in my ear. My breathing slowed down and I managed to look at Scott.
"T...Thank you much Sc... Scott." I looked straight into his beautiful blue eyes.

"Your welcome Mitchy..."
It was getting dark out and I was tired. My eyes started getting heavy and my body started to loosen its grip on Scott.
"Let's take you over to my house." He kissed my forehead and picked me up again, taking me into his care for the rest of the night, and so much longer.

This is how Scott Hoying saved my life and made me the person I am today.

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