First I need to think about what the song is about? Maybe I shouldn't do this with out Luke. Maybe I'll work on some personal songs, yes! Knocking two birds with one stone! Okay I'll make this song about me relationship about my parents and how I feel about my adoption.

I know that I'm not perfect
But Im certainly unique
I may not have the same eye color as you
But who says that I can't love you

For a long time I never knew
Why I was left alone in the world
But soon after you came along
You lifted my spirits and took me to places I had never been to before

I feel like I belong

Now my eyes are wide open
To seek new opportunities
new adventures

I know that we are different
But it's okay cause
who says you need blood to be a family
Cause love is all that matters
Love, is all that matters

As I grew up in your home
You taught me how to tie my shoes
Two bunny ears make the loops
Down and under and up again and pull
You taught me how to play guitar
taught me every single note
And you taught how to help others

Because of you I know how to make friends
speak French
Because of you I know how to play the guitar
With out I wouldn't be here singing this song
With you I wouldn't be where I belong
With out I wouldn't be able to live with myself
Because I know that you'll always care for me
When nobody else will

You're the one who took me in,

when others gave up on me

I know that we are different
I know I don't belong
But who says you need blood to be a family
Cause love is all that Matters
Love is all that matters

As I look back to the front door
I see you standing there tears down your face
As I carefully wipe them away
I cup your face and saying
"Mom I'll come back someday"
When I finally have reached my final goal
I'll work hard for you
I'll give my heart and soul and I promise
I promise you that I'll be home

I'll be hoooommmmmeeeee

I know that we are not really related
But love is what brings us together
Don't ever let anyone tell you I'm not your daughter
Cause that's not true
That's not true
Cause love is all that matters, love is all that matters
Love is all, love is all, love is all
That matters

     I strum the last note of the song and re read the lyrics. I feel proud and I'm glad that I at least got one song done. I hear a loud clap from behind me, I turn and see Luke and the rest of the band. He had a huge smile as he walked into the room. I blush, and shrug. "Wow, amazing," he said.

"Thanks," I replied. "So umm you wanna get started?" He nods and sits next to me.


Leia POV

I sit with Rachel in the Java junction, drinking my lemon ice tea. I stare at the wall while thinking about Maggie and Luke. "Umm, Leia, are you okay?" Rachel asks waving her hand in front of my face. "No, I think I caught Maggie about to kiss Luke in the rose room the other day." Rachel's eyes were wide. "Oh, Leia I'm sorry."

"No, she's going to pay, she broke our Luke Truce."

"A Luke what?" John stopped right next to us and scooted next to Rachel. "Okay, what's up with girl's and Luke lately, first Maggie and now you?" I roll my eyes and look back at Rachel. "Just tell him how you feel before time runs out," Rachel says taking a bite out of her sandwich. I sigh and twirl my straw. "Wait, what's a Luke Truce," John asked.

"About a week or two ago, I got two tickets to see this band Luke really loved, and I gave one of them to him. I thought he was really going to go with me, but little did I know that he gave his ticket to Maggie, cause apparently he couldn't go. So I found out Luke gave the ticket to Maggie at the concert and to make things worse, she told me she liked Luke and I told her I did as well." John sighed and took a big gulp from his water. "Yikes."

"So yesterday, at open stage after I congratulate her after her performance, Luke asked her to do a duet with him and the band-"

"Oh yeah, the band wanted to do that song again with Maggie when we opened up for Magenta City," John said. I glare at him, and he takes another gulp of his water. "Sorry, continue." I shrug and look down. "I've been trying to get a duet with Luke for 2 years, but instead he's doing one with Maggie, and she hasn't been here for two months!" John sighed and said," well he obviously doesn't want to sing with you, I mean two years? You gotta let it go."

"I'm not a quitter," I replied. All three of us sighed, soon I see Maggie and Luke walk into the Java Junction. I suddenly have a great idea. I see Theo walk by, I quickly grab his arm, and sit him next to me. "Hey Theo, I have something to ask you," I say loudly. Maggie and Luke come and sit with us, the table is now filled.

"Hey guys," Luke said as Maggie waved.

"Hey Luke I just had a great idea, how about why don't we all go to dinner tomorrow, just us six." Everybody nods, but they're all very confused. "You mean as a triple date," Theo asked. I nodded and everyone exchanged looks. "Leia, that's really nice of you, but I have some stuff to do tomorrow," Maggie said. "What stuff exactly?" I asked, I was curious.

"Well, I have to go grocery shopping for my parents and volunteer at the animal shelter for my community service." Luke smiled. "The animal shelter, that sounds fun," he said. "Yeah all you do is feed, give water, go on walks, and play with them all day, it's pretty fun, do any of you guys want to join me?" Everyone agrees with her and they all plan at 9 in the morning. "Alright sounds great," I say.

Maggie POV

Everyone is excited for tomorrow, and I was too. It's fun getting to interact with animals and training them as well. "Okay guys I'll see you tomorrow, and do any of you know where Hannah is? She wanted to ask me something."

"I'll help you find her," Luke said getting up. We both walk out of the Java Junction and I sigh. "I lied about looking for Hannah, I just wanted to get out of there." Luke chuckles. "Me too, I was actually about to say something but you made an excuse." I smile. "Hey umm," he says rubbing the nape of his neck. "Do you wanna, I don't know maybe want to watch a movie? Just you and me?"

Wait a minute. Just a minute, is this what I think it is? Is Luke really asking me to go with him to the movies, no I'm pretty sure he asked some others before me. "Yeah sure, what time and day?"

"Saturday and at 7 pm, that's not to late for you is it?" he asked. I nodded no. "Great, I'll pick you up at 6."

"6?" I ask. "Yeah so we can hang before the movie, is that okay with you?"

"Yeah, don't worry, here," I take out a pen, a piece of paper, and write down my address and give it to Luke. "Thanks, so I'll see you tomorrow," he replies before going to the studio. I smiled and start heading for the door. Luke just asked me out, what a day.

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