4.1| Within the Cell

Start from the beginning

"... I do not... understand you," she whispered aloud to the shadows, where she knew they were staying, hidden from her sight. "Please... make your words clearer."


Chell could hear the unmistakable sound of tension in their voices. Something was causing them to become unsettled. Her expression changed slightly, worried at their unusual state. They had never showed this kind of behavior before. Something serious was clearly happening if it dismayed the dead to this extent.


She closed her eyes again, trying to focus on listening to only one voice among chorus, but it was useless. The others clouded her hearing and filled her mind, loud and confusing. It was like listening to a single person softly speaking in a chattering crowd. She shook her head.

"What... are you trying to say...?"

Silence settled. No one replied.

    Their sudden quietness startled her. Chell snapped her eyes open, having the strange sense that something was about to happen. She looked around, feeling their presence all around her, hiding in the darkness. She sat up properly, blinking her sleep-deprived eyes.

"... Are you still there..?" Her words echoed in the dark, to no one.

Silence still.

Then, a gentle night's breeze passed through the glade without warning, hissing like a quiet snake making its way through the grass and at the same time bringing with it the last of the voices Chell would ever hear from the dead. She could clearly make out their three final words, loud in her ears.

"—go to Uldard."

And then... like that, they simply vanished.

There had been no visible signs, and neither was there any sound to be heard. Nothing indicated that something had happened. The dead were merely there one second, hidden in the darkness, then gone the next. Chell simply knew about it because all traces of their presence had vanished into nothing. For the first time in her life, she was left all alone in the dim forest without anyone with her, living or the dead.

Fearful and panicked, she looked around and waited, expecting them to come back. But they never did. Not even when morning arrived and another day ended. Confused, she remembered about their last advice.

'—go to Uldard', they had said.

And so three days later, she did.

    And so three days later, she did

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The Wandering Witch VOL. 1 - The Prelude Arc (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now