29| Newfound Joy

253 26 38

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Angelia's POV

There was a time when I thought that everything would go the way I wanted it to, the way I planned it. My life was going to be perfect.

But then again I was ten.

So imagine my surprise when I fell in love with the guy that was supposed to bring me happiness but rather gave me heartache and tears.

It was in the way his eyes seemed to entrance me in a spell that no one else could cast.

The way he smiled at me, as if I was the only thing that could make his day ten times better than it already was.

The way he touched me, gently as if I was precious and delicate and he didn't want to hurt me.

Yoandri Cabrera, my love, has fallen.

But most certainly not in love.

He's already done that.


"Angie?" he stirs.

I immediately awake from my slumber and jump up to the image of Yoandri in any possible danger in mind. "What? What's wrong?" I urge with worry etched in my face.

"I can't get up," he croaks out in the darkness of the room. I feel my chest constrict and I find it hard to breathe, my eyes blinking away the tears.

I flip the light switch on and my heart sinks at the sight of Yoandri crying whilst trying to move his damaged legs.

"Baby," I sigh out in grief and can't help but let my tears fall from my eyes. "You know you have to call me," I say as I walk towards him, with a certain hesitation that makes him calm down.

Yoandri looks at me and I take in his tousled hair and red lips that were stained from the tears running down his face.

We get him to the bathroom and once he's done, I help him back to the bed. He looks at me with a tired expression on his face; tired of his life.

"Yoandri, you need to understand-" I start but he cuts me off sharply. "No, Angelia. You need to understand," he retorts with a shaky voice.

"You need to understand that I want to be the best for you and I can't even be that anymore. I want to love you, I want to make you feel loved, I want to hold you in my arms, standing up."

I swallow the lump in my throat that's been there since the beginning of the conversation. Yoandri's brown eyes look at me as if he's wanting to do so much, but he's trying to tell me he can't.

"You need someone who won't hold you back, Angelia. It hurts me to see you next to me, tired, irritable, and it hurts me when I can't pick you up in my arms; I want to be there for you," his voice cracks on the last line.

"But I can't," he emphasizes.


I sit up in the plastic chair and look up as my name is called.

It's been a while since I've been to the doctors.

The doctor smiles at me gently and I force a smile back. "So, is your partner here with you today?" she asks tentatively.

My smile drops.

"No not today," I say under my breath.

She seems to understand.

We walk into the room at the far end and turn right to a room that was average sized and held all of the materials needed for this visit.

"Any symptoms I should know about?" she asks as she washes her hands and puts on gloves. I sigh and nod, "Morning sickness. All of the time." She laughs and that's when I bother to look at their name tag.

Dr. Greene.

I look up at her as she picks up my shirt so it's just under my breasts and starts to press the pad of her fingers into my stomach.

She nods in something of an assured gesture and looks at me with a smile, "Good."

I relax my tense shoulders and release the breath I didn't know I was holding. Dr. Greene spreads the cool gel onto my stomach and I flinch a little before going with it.

"So, the baby looks fine. Do you wanna know the sex?" she offers.

I smile and look up at the picture of a blob of a human and nod. "Yes, please," I rasp out through the held back tears.

Dr. Greene smiles at me.


"Yoandri?" I ask as I plop everything down into a chair.

He picks his head out of the bathroom with a small smile on his face. "You wanna see something cool?" he grins happily. I laugh and nod at his childlike manner.

Then I notice that's he's taller than he would be in a wheelchair and that there was someone else next to
him, a nurse.

Yoandri slowly walks over to me as I bring my hands up to my face, as tears finally flow from my cheeks.

He was walking.

Stumbling a bit yes, but he was improving.

He chuckles at me clear happiness and then he looks down at my stomach. "Baby I'm so happy for you," I grin as I reach up to kiss him.

But he stops, and presses a hand to the small bump that holds a human that's been forming in my stomach for about a month now.

And his eyes well up with unshed tears. He takes in a shuddery breath then looks up at me in a questioning manner. His eyes are wet and glossy, his tongue licking his lips, his hand shaking a little.

"Are you-?" he asks hesitantly and I nod, slowly at first but then he breaks into such a big grin that I don't know if I want the moment to end.

Yoandri cries as he presses a hand to my stomach and holds me close, kissing my face repeatedly. "I love you so much. I can't wait to build the crib, and paint the walls and go shopping," he exclaims through his tears of pure happiness and joy.

His eyes look into mine and I see the look of pure and raw love in his eyes. I reciprocate and nod at him, "Yoandri, we're having a baby."

We stay quiet for a second, as if we can't believe it for ourselves and then a slow grin spreads to our faces.

"We're having a baby," he fangirls.

I laugh and kiss him.

Because shit fam, we were having a baby.



who wants to be the godmother??

p.s. I think 31

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