23| All My Love

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Yoandri's POV

I rub my eyes and try to study with the fluorescent light directly in my face. The library is warm, but somewhat quiet and filled with student life that have no other reason to be in college then to study.

Currently, I'm trying to grasp the concept of whatever the heck psychology is trying to get me to understand.

Angie, Deandra, Joel and most of my friends like Richard were all at a party.

I was not invited to this particular party.

I sigh.

Flipping the page, I take a look at the title before shaking my head hopelessly and looking up instead. The first thing I notice is a girl with bright blue hair with her head ducked down.

Then I see Alec glaring at me from the corner, hmph.

A girl that looks a lot like Angelia wobbles into the aisles of the library and I look away, aching for Angelia's touch.

At least I'll cuddle with her tonight.

My thoughts wander far from reality, so far that I don't realize Alec is now sitting across from me with a glare in his blue eyes.

When I eventually realize the warm body, I nearly fall off of my chair from shock.

Whatcha doin' there buddy?

I close my eyes and attempt to get myself together after holding my chest for a minute. I open my eyes and glare at the boy in front of me, "You do not scare people like that."

Alec stares at me challengingly but I only frown, and emphasize, "You just don't do it."

Alec rolls his eyes and then gets down to business after running a hand through his messy brown hair, "Where's Angelia?"

The question catches me for guard and I contemplate whether to tell him or not.

The human shall not know.

Alec waits patiently for a minute as I stare blankly at him, probing the pads of my fingers together. My imagination runs wild at the mere thought of him wanting to know where my love is.

What is your reasoning?


My eyes return from their moment of blankness and I decide to answer his question with a question, "Why'd you like to know?"

He leans forward and I scowl softly, his facial features being slightly better than mine.

Still got my girl though.


I smirk a little before scowling again as he responds with no trace of hesitation, "Because Angelia is beautiful and I want her to leave you for me."

And by that time the silence of the oh so quiet library is disturbed by the sound of my knuckles coming in contact with Alec's nose.



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