26| Your Place

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Yoandri's POV

"I had a great time today," I smirk while my eyes water.

The girl smiles at me and leans in to kiss my cheek, her lips making me yearn for something more. A small sigh of distress leaves my lips. "I'll see you in Science class," she whispers before prancing off.

I open the door to my room and yank everything off of my body, feeling suffocated with all the emotions flowing through me. I mumble under my breath and the tears now fall freely.

Sobs tremble through my entire being and I fall without meaning to. The dark welcomes me with open arms as I slump against the cold floor. "Come back," my voice croaks out at the vast emptiness of the room.

I rake my fingers through my hair just as the knot in my stomach grows and I hiccup. Tears are cascading down my cheeks and I squeeze my eyes tightly. I wish I could rip the image out of my head.

His lips were on hers.

I pull on my hair and wish that I was pulling on the hole in my chest where She is supposed to be. The place where She is meant to be.


The very next day, I wake up and feel like smashing my head into a brick wall.

Maybe that'll relieve the pain in this heart of mine.

Before I go on talking about my day, let's get one this straight. Yes, I did cheat. Yes, again. But was I really even aware of it?

Fuck no.

Alec had put something in my drink that made me have increased sexual urges. I hadn't recalled anything that had happened that night.


"Fuck," I sigh because fuck. Just fuck.

Angelia's eyes flash in my mind and the pit of yearning in my stomach makes me want to throw up. It's emptiness is endless and the abyss just grows deeper the longer it's lonely.

Eventually, I get ready for school and make my way to the first class of the day.

Walking in the rain is already a fierce struggle. However, when the boy's head you want to smash into a cement block is in front of you, it's even worse.

Alec walks before me like he's actually something in this world other than a major fucking douchebag.

Which by the fucking way, he's not.

Maybe I should stop swearing.

...fuck that shit.

Anyway, back to my present predicament, I find myself fuming at the mere sight of him.

Should I punch him?

Should I really?

His laugh reaches my ears and a sort of trigger engages inside of me. It's almost as if I'm on autopilot when I grab Alec by the throat and throw a cross right to his nose, kneeing him in the balls right after.

The Universe // Yoandri CabreraDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora