6| Explantions

501 36 30

Chapter Six

Yoandri's POV

Curls graze my face when I wake up and someone's back meets my naked chest. I yawn and open my eyes to see Angelia's face in front of mine.


I look at how she appeared to be calm, peaceful, and relaxed. Her lips slightly gape open and her eyelashes brush the top of her cheekbones. Tendrils of hair fall upon her flushed face and I kiss her cheek before gazing at her beautiful face one more time.

Sunlight peeks through the curtain and it's only then that I realize we weren't alone in the room. "Richard?" He rolls over on his bed and looks at me, his curly hair falling over his face.


I smile and shake my head, "Nothing." He rolls his eyes and Angelia's eyes open slowly. She takes in her surroundings and springs up from the bed.


Richard hides his smile as she hops into her sneakers, grabbing her hoodie and letting her hair loose. Angelia runs off and Richard and I share a knowing look.

"Is she always like that?"

I nod and bite my lip to keep from laughing as she comes back in, frowning. Angelia sits in my desk chair and Richard laughs a little as she questions, "We don't have class today do we?"

I shake my head and burst out laughing, closing my eyes and tossing my head back. Richard laughs as well and Angelia shakes her head, cracking a smile.

"You guys suck."


I poke her dimple and she stops smiling. "Bro. Stop." I laugh and keep poking her cheek, "I under appreciate your dimples so I'm appreciating them now."

Angelia rolls her eyes and I plant a wet kiss on her cheek. Her face contorts in disgust and I laugh, "That's gross." She wipes her cheek and I smile, kissing her nose.

Deandra bursts into the café and plops down next to Angelia. "Why are guys so stupid?" Angelia glances at me and smirks, "No idea." I mock her words and she sends me a wink.

"I mean I didn't do anything wrong! Why is Chris so infuriating?"

I bite my lip and Angelia rubs Dea's back soothingly, "You'll be fine." Deandra bangs her head against the table and I snort, "Honey, you don't need no man to make you happy. Be independent. Show him what's he's missing."

Deandra lifts her head up and suddenly notices my presence. She looks from Angelia and I, giving Angelia a look. Angelia shakes her head and her eyes widen, "Of course not. Are you crazy?"

I raise an eyebrow as I patiently wait for them to stop whispering to each other, glancing at me now and then. They finally turn to me and send me a smile, "Thanks for the advice, Yoandri."

I wink and snap my fingers, "You already know." I clear my throat at the awkward silence and take a sip of my drink, "Tough crowd."

Deandra and Angelia talk about random things and I look at the both of them curiously. Angelia laughs and I notice how it came from deep within her, genuine. Deandra laughs and I notice how she smiled widely.

I need a best friend.

Angelia turns to me after a while and asks, "What are we doing today?" I almost choke on my drink and stare at her incredulously, "What?" Angelia raises an eyebrow and repeated the question slowly, "What. Are we. Doing. To-day?"

It takes me a few seconds to recover and when I do the first words are, "You want to hang out?" Angelia nods and shrugs, "Why not?" Deandra starts squealing, "I shipped y'all from the beginning!"

I blush and Angelia only laughs, "Good to know." We recover and I answer her question, "So wanna do something fun?" Angelia nods and I smirk, "Let's go."



I glance at The Stars above us and respond, "Why what?" Angelia looks at the observatory ceiling and mumbles, "Why'd you cheat on me?" I look at her face just see her already looking at me.

I sigh and get choked up a bit, not prepared for the question. "Because I just guessed that," I stop and look up at the sky, not wanting to look into her eyes. "I assumed that if you no longer loved me I wouldn't be holding you back."

It's pure silence and the small lights twinkle above our heads as she hisses out, "What?" I look the other way as she sits up, appalled. "You mean to tell me that you broke my heart because you felt it would make me better? That it would help me?"

Angelia stands up furious, and I take a deep breath before standing up as well. "I'm sorry, Angelia. It's just that you have such big dreams," I stop and hold her hands in mine, needing something to grip on to.

"You have such big dreams and I feel like I'm just stopping you from your full potential," I finish my sentence and close my eyes, licking my lips. All I hear is her heavy breathing and suddenly her hands escape mine. "You cheated on me because you wanted me to be successful."

I hear her snort, "But you make me want to be successful, Yoandri. You make me happy and without happiness there is nothing." I open my eyes and see her endless turquoise ones pool with tears.

I pull her into me and she lets out a hiccup, tears falling down her face. I wipe her tears away and kiss her forehead, trying to be the stability she needs.

She backs up a bit and I dip down a little to look deep into her eyes. "I'm sorry," I mutter. Angelia shakes her head and more tears fall onto her face. "You know how many nights of not sleeping, just thinking about you, have passed? Trying to understand what I did wrong, what I could've done better?"

She wipes her nose and I reach out towards, wanting to kiss her pain away. "You know what? You could've talked to me about it. You've caused me so much pain when you could've just communicated with me."

I wipe the edges of my eyes and she lets out a breathy laugh, "You're right, Yoandri." I shake my head, "No. No I'm not. I love you, please."

Angelia pushes my touch away and I try to hug her, "Leave me alone, Yoandri. You thought you were doing good."

"All you did was make it worse."



*cough* okay *cough*

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