5| I'll Help

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Chapter Five

Angelia's POV

"Why won't you just talk to me?"

"Because I don't need to."

I sigh and walk after him, "What did I do wrong?" Yoandri turns around and I see the pain on his face, his eyes showing pure hurt. I freeze as he walks up to me and stay still when he slowly runs his fingers up against my arm.

His hand meets mine and I look up into his chocolate eyes, his breath mingling with mine. Yoyo takes a step closer and his other hand slowly comes to cup my jaw, his thumb grazing my cheek.

It almost felt like nothing was wrong, that nothing was hurting. He bites his lip and nudges my nose with his, slowly backing me up against his dorm wall.

I shiver when he brings my hands up and exhales over my neck. We stay quiet, looking at each other with curiosity and I let my mouth gape open as he takes one more step towards me.

His hands clutch mine and he closes his eyes, connecting our foreheads. I'm enveloped in the warmth of his body, no part of my skin untouched by tingles.

Yoandri looks at me as he slowly leans closer and I sigh in disappoint when his lips brush up against my cheek, planting a kiss. He lets go of his grip on me and stands close enough to me that we are sharing the same air but not touching.

I stay in a daze while he only takes deep breaths as if to stop his true intentions. "You didn't do anything wrong," he mumbles carefully, not wanting to break the serenity.

I look away from his eyes and he nudges my chin up, making me look at him. "I'm the bad person, Angelia. You didn't do anything wrong," he repeats.

I nod but escape the touch of his hand either way, feeling hurt. "I can help you. Just let me in," I mutter. He shakes his head and I avoid his gaze once more, "You'll get hurt. I don't want to see you cry over something I did, because I'm not that special."

I feel my breath get stuck in my throat and look at him to see his eyes stuck on my lips. "But you, Angelia?" His orbs flitter to my eyes and I cross my arms, trying to act defiant.

"You're real special."


"You look sad."

I wave Deandra off and she shakes her head, "He's gonna be the death of you." I frown, "No he isn't. I've seen what he's doing to himself and even if I hate him, I can't let him keep doing that."

Deandra sighs and plops down onto the small couch we had in our dorm. The door burst open and all I hear is, "Guys, Yoandri's lost it!" I snap my head to Joel who was breathing heavily as if he had been running a mile.

Deandra and I share a look, "What do you mean?" Joel waves for me to follow him and he sprints off, Deandra and I running through the door, shutting it behind us.

Joel turns and after about two minutes we arrive at our destination, breathing hard. I look at the crowd in front of me and Dea pushes me towards it, urging me to stop whatever was going on.

I see people look back at me and they clear a path to the center. Yoandri raises his hand and that's when I yell out, "YOANDRI!" The guy he's fighting turns to me and they both freeze, looking at me curiously.

"Get your girlfriend out of this, faggot."

And suddenly they are hitting each other again, my blood boiling. "STOP!" They continue fighting and I yell, "I SAID STOP. DO YOU SONS OF BITCHES NOT HEAR ME?"

They actually stop and the crowd around me looks at my figure, kinda impressed. I take in Yoandri's face as I walk up to the two, "Are you okay?" He wipes his nose and a trickle of blood from his lip gets on his sleeve.

I turn to the other guy, seething. "Pick on someone your own size," I say through bared teeth. He snorts and gives me a challenging glare, "Or what?"

I raise an eyebrow and soon he's on the floor as I kick him in the balls, throwing punches at him left and right. I elbow his nose and he cries out in pain, "Okay. Fine. Fine."

I get up and yank Yoandri's sleeve behind me. "Let's go, babe," I emphasis. He sends me a bloody smile and I shake my head, "We need to fix you up."


I look for bandages to wrap around Yoandri's bloody knuckles when he says, "In the drawer."  I sit him down and hurriedly put my hair up, grab a chair, and take off my shirt so it is just my tank top. I grab a cloth and water and lay them on the table next to his bed.

I sit down on a stool I find in the corner and start to cleanse his knuckles. My eyebrows furrow in concentration and soon I look up for the bandages to see Yoandri looking at me in a daze type of stare. I smile softly and say, "Why are you looking at me like that?" His voice fills my ears and he says, "Because you look so beautiful when you focus." I don't say anything and wrap the bandages tightly but gently across his hands.

I pat his thighs and say, "You're hands are good. Just your busted lip." Yoandri smirks but winces when fresh blood spills from the wound. "Just when I wanted to kiss you," he mumbles. I snort, "You're bleeding. Let it heal will you?"

He takes off his shirt and just when I start to object his hands pull on my waist and I fall into his lap. Straddling him, my lips meet his and I feel my stomach explode with butterflies, sighing at the warmth spreading all over my body.

His hands caress the back of my thighs and I press myself against him, my hands in his hair. "Wait," he whispers. I push myself away and crave the feeling of his lips immediately. "Wait?"

He smirks a little and licks his bottom lip. "Unless you don't want to?" I sigh, my curls falling over the both of us, "I think you should let it heal." I get off of him and slide into my shirt, slipping on my hoodie.

He gets up and is behind me before I know it, his bare chest is up against my back. His lips meet my neck and his hands touch my neck, "I think you should stay."

I shiver and submit myself to his touch.


I nod, "Okay."



I was running through the six with my woe-when is Yoandri gonna post the video *cries*

The Universe // Yoandri CabreraTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang