28| Boom. Crash.

231 26 16

(a/n  me. before. you.)

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Yoandri's POV

Today when I woke up I knew it was a bad day.bnk

I had shitty cereal.

Joel still wasn't talking to me.

Angelia hadn't even crossed my mind.

Today was going to be terrible.

I grab my backpack and I slow to a stop when my stomach drops all the way down to my toes. Taking deep breaths I find myself with tears in my eyes for no relevant reason.

I wipe my face, and then walk out of my dorm with my head low, pulling my beanie down over my ears. I take a moment to collect my bearings and then strut confidently to the entrance of the sect.

"Yoandri?" I hear a voice.

I stop walking and my neck prickles with unexpected goosebumps. This simple thought of seeing her made me want to run and hide. My insides burn as I  turn around and mumble, "What?"

Angelia glances up at me and I know she feels the same shitty way I feel. Her face looked pale and she seemed tired. Her curls were unkept and a beanie, similar to mine, sat on her head.

"I have a bad feeling today," she murmurs before yawning and drooping her eyes low. I look up at the ceiling and breathe out, closing my eyes.

Then I grab her hand, drag her into my dorm room, and take off her shoes. All through out, she's half asleep, so when I cuddle her into my body as we lay down, she's already knocked out. I'm not far behind.


After our nap, it's about thirty minutes after we had fell asleep. She still snores softly in my arms and my heart burns at the thought of being so close to her.

So I leave.

I leave a small note on the handle of the door and take off to class, the pit in my stomach only becoming greater as I make my way to the sidewalk where cars cross and intersect dangerously.

After looking both ways, I begin to cross, slowly, taking my time. My mind doesn't register the whooshing sound next to my ear until I take a step back, the driver honking at me loudly.

My heart beats hard at my near death experience and I keep walking. This time however, I am deaf to my surroundings and then a bright light hits my face, the driver actually warning me ahead of time.

I look both ways, looking for an exit but find that it's too late.


The flashing lights blind me, white, red, and blue.

People all around chatter lowly, or sometimes frantically.

Someone is yelling my name desperately and I manage to croak out her name, wanting nothing more than to snuggle into her neck and let her wash away my worries.

I regret everything.

Especially not getting better cereal this morning.

I really wanted some Cinnamon Toast Crunch but oh no. Corn Flakes invaded my bowl.


The Universe // Yoandri CabreraWhere stories live. Discover now