Part 22

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The familiar sound and sudden feel of a three-digit hand on her shoulder made her smile and turn.

"Guten morgen liebling," Kurt smiled as she faced him. "How are you today?"

Aurora rubbed her eye sleepily, last night hadn't done her any favors. No sleep had left her tired and feeling grouchy. "Can you not tell, Kurt?" She yawned, as if to prove the point; turning back to nursing her cup of tea as he sat down at the breakfast table beside her.

Taking a bite of his toast he jokingly made a mock face of confusion, rubbing his chin slightly. 

"Hmmm, are you.... Excited...? No? Maybe angry.." She laughed a little and shook her head. "No, vait, I've got it!"

Raising her eyebrows she waited for the simple answer.

"You are..... Sleepy" Nodding her head, she took another sip of her tea, hoping that it would wake her up just a little bit more. Kurt had turned back to his food for the moment, so she took the few precious seconds to take him all in.

Ever since he had gotten back from the afterlife he was different, he didn't seem like the same man that she first knew. He was less shy - far more assertive, and his buccaneering qualities kept shining through. His hair was less cropped, more wavy - although not curled like when she had first seen him on that ship; and he seemed to have a captain's air about him, like he was sure of every movement he made, every step he took. It's funny what death can do to a person.

"So, vhat do you vant to do today?" His voice dispersed her daydreams and she found herself looking into his golden eyes.

"Oh, um, I thought we could go to see the Professor about this distant relative. I wanna see if he can find her." She smiled afterwards, hiding the nerves that she felt about this half-aunt that she had never seen or even heard of before.

"Sure zhing, ve can do zhat next, maybe after ve could go out for a valk?"

"I'd love to" A walk sounded nice, it would be a chance for her to think everything through after her talk with Xavier.


Controlling her breaths, in... out... in... out; she approached the Professor's door. She was about to find out about an aunt that she had no idea existed - what if she didn't know for a reason? Raising her fist to knock, she felt a small pressure inside of her head, and Xavier's voice invited her in. She pushed the large door open, entering the spacious office.

"Hello Aurora, Kurt said you would be coming to see me." His kind voice filled the room with a peaceful yet authoritative air.

"Um, yeah. I guess he's told you what happened then?" She hadn't expected him to tell him so soon.


"I was wondering, Professor, if you could find her for me. I want to contact her." Her voice sounded sure, but her nerves were consuming her.

"Are you sure? It is a big thing that you're doing you know." His voice was calming, helping her to think it through. Did she want to talk to this mystery woman? Did she want to eventually meet her? Her last tie to a real family. Maybe she would regret it if she didn't...

"Well, if you never try you never know" 

"Very well then, I will be sure to keep you updated on what I find out" 

The feeling of relief lifted her chin up a little higher; her anxiety had been eating away at her for all of this time, but now that she had actually done it she felt so much better. A small smile stretched her lips and she thanked the Professor before leaving as  the next person stepped in, worry spread across their face. It was strange how everyone had worries that you could never imagine even existed. 'sometimes you forget you're not the only worrier in the world'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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