Part 16

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The attack was only supposed to be on Azazel and his ship; Kurt had found himself a galleon and a crew and they were going to blast him out of the water. Alas, the inevitable complication. The bamfs were meant to keep the X-Men out of the portal. But no, now Azazel had his friends. He could still win though, they were X-Men, they always found a way. He paced along the mainmast's topsail beam, watching the scene below. 


He appeared on the bonnet's beam below, keeping himself hidden. 

"Oi, you!" The voice made him turn, a pirate was sat in the crow's nest next to him. He couldn't risk this guy blowing his cover. Or perhaps, he could use him.


Aurora watched the  silent ship, as everyone waited to see if Kurt would come. Suddenly a body dropped onto the deck, making everyone jump and their eyes snap onto it. It was a pirate, bloodied and sliced. 

"I zhink zhat you should let her go." That voice. Behind her. 

"Kurt" The words were supposed to be louder, but they came out as a whisper. She thought that she'd never hear his voice ever again...

Azazel pulled her around, the blade threatening to slice her skin. And she saw him. Handsome as ever, even when he did look like a pirate... The usual flannel shirt and jeans had been traded for a baggy white shirt and somewhat snug black trousers with sturdy buccaneer boots. A red cloth was tied around his waist with the ends hanging by his side, and a leather baldric held his swords in place. His hair flopped over his face slightly, its usual slight wave curled by the salt in the air. 'Now is not the time to start swooning Aurora' she blushed as she corrected herself to realize the danger of the situation, but the second that he flashed her a grin , her knees gave way beneath her and she wobbled slightly. 

"And why would I do that my dear boy?"

"Because she's not the one that you want."

"True, but she does make a fine prize if I do say so myself." Aurora winced trying to move away as he pulled her closer, pushing his face near to her neck  as he pulled he head back by her hair. 

"What do you want? Just leave her alone, you can have me"

He chuckled, shoving her forwards onto her hands and knees before Kurt, "I don't want either of you boy, I want you to stop interrupting my plan! What I do want is as many souls as I can get! All of these rules, heaven and hell... I've given up on the puny earth, with all of their materialistic needs.... Now, I'll be the ruler of the afterlife!"

She stood up shakily, moving to stand slightly behind Kurt.

"I'll not let you do that Azazel." His voice was firm and sure.

"Oh really, and how will you stop me? Your crew and friends have been captured, you can't kill me, I'm already dead. You'll have no choice but to surrender your soul to me."

A grin lit up his blue face, "Ah, that's where you're wrong. I have no soul."

He drew his two swords, spinning them as he advanced towards his father, Aurora drew hers and hurried down to the main deck. She moved towards one of the captors, who drew their pistol and aimed it at her, moving one of his hands from holding onto Gambit.

"My friend, you know that most of us could get out any time?" His New Orleans drawl hinted at an oncoming attack; he grinned as Colossus  roared, breaking from the ropes as he armored his skin. The rest of the team jumped to life and the pirate fired the pistol. It was as though it happened in slow motion, she pulled up a light shield and deflected the bullet, swinging it around to smash the beast in the jaw. She let the momentum bring her through along with the sword, slicing into his neck. He toppled to lean on the side of the ship before choking and falling limp. She moved back into the battle, the adrenaline bringing a feeling of freedom and a grin to her face. Grabbing onto on of the ropes tied down she swung around to knock down the pirate advancing on jean from behind.

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