Part 17

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Aurora woke up, groggily making sense of her surroundings. She was in the med-lab. Past events sprung back to the forefront of her memory and she sat up, brushing her hair from her eyes; sleeping on the edge of a medical bed was never comfortable. 

'Wait, there was a Kurt here...

"Hank? Where's Kur-" She was cut off as the door to the bathroom of the lab opened softly.

"Sorry, I didn't vant to vake you..." Kurt stepped back into the room, damp from a shower; he was wearing faded dark jeans and (she had to take a moment) no shirt. He was too busy scrubbing his floppy wet hair with the towel to notice her staring. You would expect that a guy whose skin was blue and furry would be strange to look at, but to her, it wasn't. He was perfection. His body was perfectly chiseled - not too muscly, yet he wasn't skinny, and he still looked strong. She caught his eye and he looked back at her, she blushed, feeling the blood burning her face. Kurt chuckled quietly.

"What? I'd say for a guy that's just come back from the dead you look pretty good..." Nerves twisted in her stomach, where did this confidence come from? She watched him pull on the shirt that he'd slept in.

"Oh really? Don't let Kitty hear you say zhat." He grinned at her, ruffling his hair with one three digit hand and letting it settle. "Speaking of Kitty, vhere is she?"

"Um, in her room I'm guessing..." She thought for a moment, "Or Poitr's." Aurora had no idea if the couple were that intimate, but considering the duration of their relationship, and how old Piotr was (and how old Kitty acted) it was probably a possibility.

"You zhink zhat zhey do zhat sort of stuff?" Kurt questioned, looking at her as he pulled on his shoes.

"I don't know... maybe... I mean, they're old enough..." Aurora blushed, 'omg, are you really having this conversation?'

"Ja, I guess..." He thought for a moment, and then looked up quickly, "Did zhey clear mein room?!"

He sprung up, teleporting away. She sighed, pulling herself up to stand and setting off in a jog towards the boy's dorm.


Kurt reappeared in the hallway, just outside of his room. What if they had cleaned it out? He would have nothing, no ties back to Germany, no souvenirs of his adventures, nothing. He looked over to see Aurora jogging over to him, and turned back to the door. 

"Vhat if zhere is nozhing?" His voice was small, and strangely quiet.

"It's all there Kurt..." She reached forwards and turned the door knob, letting it swing open to reveal the room.

And she was right, it was all there, just as he lef- wait.

Stepping into the room, he looked around, something was amiss, like people had been there recently. 

"They wanted to store all of your stuff away," Aurora was stood in the doorway, watching as Kurt looked around. The room was dusty, but there were places where the settled blanket had been disturbed, fingerprints, places that objects had been placed. "And I wouldn't let them. I don't really know why." The bed even looked like it had recently been slept in. Something pink caught his eye, he didn't think he owned anything that was pink... He moved over to where it was poking from under the edge of the pillow and pulled it.

He was sat on his bed, holding a pink bra, trimmed with lace and other girly decorations. He gulped, turning to Aurora.

"Uhm... Zhis, isn't mine..."

She had her eyes wide and looked as though she was holding her breath; she blinked once very deliberately and shut the door behind herself before she spoke, choosing her words carefully.

"That's... because it's mine."

Kurt's heart raced and he put the garment down quickly. 

"Oh. Vhat is it doing here?" He could feel the blood rushing to his cheeks... and perhaps other places. He moved uncomfortably, trying to hide his discomfort.

"You have to understand Kurt, I missed you, a lot... So much that, well, I sound crazy, let me tell you the whole story..."

And so Kurt listened patiently to Aurora describe the months after his death. He hated this 'Hellion' guy for hurting her, but he understood why she had done the things that she did. She seemed embarrassed by what she had done, but to him, he was flattered. Butterflies danced in his stomach. She had chosen him, his bed, his room, everything that reminded her of him. He was glad that he had sent the bamf to protect her when he did, maybe it would have been different if it was earlier?

"I used to sleep in here a lot after that, and I brought some clothes over so it wouldn't be too suspicious. I'm sorry, it's so weird, I know." She looked down, ashamed.

Kurt's heart pulled at her sadness, he moved off of the bed to stand close to her; placing his hand under her chin, he tilted her face upwards, so that she could look at him. He gazed into her soft green eyes.

"It's not veird. You needed comfort and I'm glad to know zhat I gave you it, even zough I vas gone. I vouldn't vant it to have happened any ozher vay than it did."

He smiled, and she copied, wiping a small tear away from her cheek.

"I just missed you so much..." She hugged him, pressing her face against his chest. He felt her tears wetting his shirt as he held her tight against himself.

"I missed you too."

Author's Note

Hey guys! Guess who's back?!

I had a great time in Florida, it was so awesome! I managed to get a bunch of shirts, a picture with Wolverine, and some Wolverine and Iron Man plush toys! >u<

Sorry for you having to wait so long though, I received my GCSE results the day that we were travelling back home (I got three A*s, six As, and one B in total). This meant that the second that I got home I was sending out my CV and enrolling in the college that I'm going to.

I have to say, as awesome as my time off was, I have missed writing a lot and it's great to be back (I hope I haven't lost any readers!)

Thank you for being patient, hugs to you all! (>^-^)>

Until next time,

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P.S. Have any of you seen the film Warm Bodies? I'm obsessed with it right now O.o

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