Chapter 4

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Hiccup POV

Everything was going perfectly fine two days past already since Astrid left. She called me today or last night around 3a.m. that she already arrived at London and there is only one more day until Aera goes back to school. Jack has currently enrolled Emily to Berk elementary the same school Aera goes to and surprisingly she going in the same class as Aera.

3rd POV

Around midday Elsa got a call about her photography job, it was her manager, told her that she was in the wrong place.

"I'm sorry what?" Elsa said to the person in the other side of the phone.

"We gave you the wrong plane tickets you were suppose to go to Canada" the manager said.

"Okay then I'll go when my husband is finished with his game"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Arendell-"

"Frost" Elsa corrected him

"Frost, I'm sorry Mrs. Frost but I need you there and back to Burgess in two weeks, the Nature and Burgess documentary magazine has to be out by the third week"

"Okay then I'll see what I can do"

"Alright Mrs. Frost see you by then, good bye"

"Bye" they hung up the phone and Elsa walked to were her belongings were and started putting things into her bag.

" wow, what are you doing" Jack said as he came out of the kitchen and walked to were Elsa was.

"I just got a call saying that I was suppose to get on an airplane headed to Canada"

"Oh so when do we leave"

"No you have to stay here for you game I'll take Emily and drop her off at her aunts on my way--"

"Why don't you leave her with me. I mean she's already made a friend she's going to school and besides she doesn't have any other cousins at her aunts. Well, on your side of the family" Elsa looked at him with a sort of angry shocked but calm expression. "And I'm pretty sure she'll have a much better and dinner time hear at her uncle Hiccup's house and with me"

"No Jack you need to concentrate on your game and she'll distract you"

"No she won't" Jack said, putting a hand on her cheek, there was a pause between them.

"Fine she'll stay with you"
Emily and Aera came running from the backyard followed by the two dogs and were about to head upstairs until Emily's mom called her down. She came down, Aera waited for her in the steps.

"Emily mommy is going to go somewhere for a while" Emily nodded her head.

Elsa left about near midday to catch her flight. Jack stayed home with the girls unroll Hiccup came back from the meeting with his father, turned out Stoick was having trouble at the office. Jack decided to take a look around since he didn't really look or get a tour around the house. As he looked around and explored the floors he finally stopped at the fireplace and saw a picture of the whole family: Hiccup, Astrid, Aera, Stormfly and Toothless, in a family picture in Christmas and thought about his family nearly the same way on Christmas. His thoughts were interrupted by footsteps running inside.

"Daddy, daddy!" Jack turned around at the sound of his daughter and keeled down.

"Yes my little snow fairy"

"Do you want to come and play with me and Aera in her tree house" Jack nodded and they both started walking out to the backyard.

"Emily I don't think that all of us are going to fit in that small...tree house" Jack said surprised as he looked at the 'small' tree house. Aera was at the bottom playing with toothless.

"How rich is your dad" he said as he walked towards the tree house to Aera

"We'll with daddy's big business and the money he still gets from his years of playing basket a lot" Aera said

"Wow" he said as they all claimed up to the tree house.

Hiccup arrived home later that day with some groceries

"I'm home!" Hiccup yelled but nobody came

"Guys! Aera! Emily! Jack! Elsa!" Nobody came. He looked around the house for any sign of any of them but they weren't any were in the house. He ran outside yelling there names.

"Hey Hiccup" he heard someone say from the tree house he looked up to see Jack's head piping out of one of the window's.

"What are you doing up there!" Hiccup yelled with relief to find them.

"The girls invited me up here for tea" he said lifting up the tea cup.

"Daddy do you want to come up too" Aera said from the window down to her father. But Hiccup's expression was distant and hesitant.

"Uh, no, I have to..." He trailed off when he looked up and saw Aera's face. Full of sadness and about to leave the window before he said "go get the cookies to go with the tea". Aera's face brightened up at her father's words.

"So what kind of cookies would my little Freya want?" He said with a small bow

"Chocolate chip" she said happily
"Then chocolate chip cookies it is my lady" he said with a final bow and went to get the cookies.

When he came back they spent some time eating cookies and drinking tea and the remainder of the day playing castle with Aera and Emily as the two princesses or more like Emily the princess and Aera as the castle worrier ridding toothless like a horse or as she would put it 'her black dragon' while Jack and Hiccup pretended to attack the castle. As it got late they played down on the grass for a test.

"Daddy can we sleep in the tree house tonight" Aera told her dad while laying in his shoulder

"If you want" Hiccup said as he turned to face her. Aera nodded.

"Alright then let's go bring some pillows, blankets, and Jack how about you go to the courage and bring some lanterns" Hiccup said while getting up, walking to the entrance and turning to Jack to tell him what to do.

"Sure" Jack said as he made his way to the garage. Aera and Emily went up stairs to get their pillows and blankets while hiccup went to his room to get pillows and blankets for him and Jack.

When they got back they all went up to the tree house and sat their things on the places were they will be sleeping: Aera and Emily together with Stormfly curled up beside them, Jack on one corner of the tree house and Hiccup on the other corner near the window. Toothless walked up to Hiccup licked him goodnight and walked to Jack and the girls and did the same and finally he walked next to stormfly and played down next to her and fell asleep.

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