Chapter 3

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"Hiccup" they both stared at each other in shock as if it was an illusion that stood in front of them.

"Hey, what are you doing hear I thought you lived in Burgess" said Hiccup

"I still am, just not at the moment" replied Jack

"Then what are you doing hear, not that I'm mad or anything"

"We both got moved this way"

"We" and as if on cue Elsa came from the next isle.



"Hey, what brings you two to this place"

"We got moved this way, just for now"

"What do you mean 'got moved'?"

"I mean that Jack got transferred over hear for his hockey game and I got transferred for the photography"

"We'll I'm glad to see you. Aera this is your auntie Elsa and uncle Jack"

"Oh and you have a cousin" said Elsa. She turned around and called her daughter "Emily". Emily appeared from the isle that Elsa came from. She had very light blond hair (like Elsa when she was small)

"Go say hi Aera" hiccup told her, she did but shyly.

"Hi, I'm Aera"

"I'm Emily" the two started talking to each other and walking a little bit away from their parents.

"So how long will you be staying hear" said hiccup to the frost family.

"We're staying for two months, one for my hockey game and the other for Elsa's photography"

"So were are you staying" said hiccup

"No wear yet we just got hear and planned on picking up a few snacks"

"Would you like to stay at my place for a while until you find a place to stay"

"Sure that'd be great!"said Jack

"Alright then see you there or do you want to do the shopping together" he said while looking over to Aera and Emily still talking and giggling

"Maybe together would be best that way we can catch up on things and the girls could keep chatting"

"Sounds good". They ended up walking together with the two girls behind them chatting about things that were too low said for Hiccup, Jack, or Elsa to hear and every now and then their will be little bits of giggles in Between their conversation. When they finished with their grocery shopping they all went to their own cars.

"Daddy can I go with Emily. Can I stay at her house for a little bit pleas" pleaded Aera to her father with puppy eyes



"Because Emily is coming to our house"

"Yes" said Aera getting into the car.

~At home~

Arriving at home Hiccup unloaded the groceries with the help of Aera. When he open the door toothless and Stormfly ran towards them sniffing the bags for any treats that they could have bought.

"Yes I got your treats"

As Hiccup, Aera, toothless, and Stormfly made their ways to the kitchen the phone rang.

"Hello" answered Hiccup

"Hiccup I'm half way to London" said Astrid from the other side of the phone

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