chapter 4: bad time

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Three days later
Chara's pov:

Frisk left for school two hours ago and I'm already trying to get Chisk out from under the couch without hurting them...again.

"Goddamnit Chisk why do you keep on doing this?" I managed to pull them out and pick them up when suddenly someone said in a not so freindly voice:

"Hey there pal"

I held Chisk closer to me as I looked behind me. I scowled at the smiley trashbag himself. "What the hell do you want?" I snapped at him. Nobody told me he was coming over so he was tresspassing and I dont put up with that shit. He chuckled darkly " All I want is to make sure you dont hurt anybody. Becuase if you do...your going to have a bad time."

This guy is pissing me off. "I'll explain this once and only once: I'm not planning on hurting anybody, SO GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE YOU FUCKING STALKER!" I yelled at him trying to make him leave.

Flowey's pov:

I woke up suddenly when I heard Chara yelling "SO GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HOUSE YOU FUCKING STALKER!" I quickly appeared in my flower pot in the living room and saw Sans, that fucker! he was going to respond to Chara but I interupted by grabbing him with my vines and hissing at him, Chara opened the front door and I promptly threw him out and cackled to myself as I watched him land on the front lawn. Who knew taking out the garbage was so fun?

Chara's pov:

I closed the door and sighed relieved. "Thanks Asriel." He nodded and looked at me worried "are you ok Chara?" I nodded and put Chisk in the play pen with Frara. "Thank god their ok...If Sans even so much as touches them im going to kill him." Asriel nodded in agreement. I then pulled out my phone and started texting Frisk letting them know about what happened. They have the right to know.


((Sorry for the short chapter the next chapter will be longer i swear))

Charisk: Accidental ParentsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora