chapter 3: the party

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The next day

Sans pov:

I was waiting with my brother papyrus at the park for the party guests to arrive, we pretty much invited everyone we know.

"BROTHER WHEN DO YOU THINK THE HUMAN WILL GET HERE?" papyrus asked, I shrugged. "I dont know bro, but Im sure they'll be here soon." I looked over at the parking lot and saw Toriel's car park "see? What did I tell you?" My smile brightened at the sight of Frisk. Then my eyes went black and my smile disapeared when I saw someone else get out of the car. Chara. That peice of shit demon! Why are they here!? The timeline cant reset again! I wont let it! Wait...what are they getting out of the car? Are those...babies? I quickly put on a fake smile as Toriel, Frisk, and the filthy demon walked over. "Hey Frisk, Toriel, whos your...freinds?" Toriel smiled
"This is Chara...and these two...are Frisk and Chara's kids." Papyrus and I where both shocked. "...what?" Papyrus got on his knees and looked at the babies with wonder in his eyes making chara...nervous? Actualy chara looked nervous ever since they got here. Strange. "WOWIE! I'M AN UNCLE! WHAT A WONDERFULL AND UNEXPECTED BIRTHDAY SURPRISE!" He said excitedly. Heh. Thats my brother for you. "Uh Toriel? I dont think I really understand." Toriel nodded. "Come, I'll explain in private" I followed her to a more private area of the park. When I looked back I expected chara to be looking at me, smirking evily. Instead they where focused on the babies and talking to someone, Papyrus probably. This is so weird.

Chara pov:

Ugh I feel so uncomfortable! I made Frisk kill these guys countless times and now I have to show myself to them and behave. Damn, my afterlife is cruel. I put chisk down and watch them explore the ground as Papyrus admired them. "YOU TWO HAVE SUCH CUTE HUMAN BABIES! CAN I HOLD ONE?" I answered immediatly: "no." Frisk put Frara down next to chisk and signed to papyrus with a smile.

[Dont mind chara, they can just be over protective]

I huffed. "AH! I SEE! WELL CHARA DO NOT FEAR! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AM I VERY GENTLE AND CALM SKELETON!" I highly doubt that but whatever, Frisk trusts him. "...fine you can hold one of them....for 20 seconeds." Papyrus's eye's let up and he picked up chisk who was sucking their thumb "HELLO BABY HUMAN! IT IS I! YOUR AWESOME AND BESTEST UNCLE PAPYRUS!" Chisk started to cry. "OH NO! WHATS WRONG LITTLE ONE?" I took chisk from papyrus and Frisk signed

[Chisk is just shy]

Frisk picked up Frara who was about to wonder off, they protested being caught but they stopped as soon as Frisk gave them to papyrus.

[This is Frara]

"WELL HELLO OTHER BABY HUMAN! I HOPE YOU CAN FORGIVE ME FOR SCARING YOUR SIBLING!" Frara giggled and started sucking on papyrus. Whats with babies and putting things in their mouths? "Shouldnt he be apologizing to us?" I muttered quietly to Frisk, they just nudged me and I huffed crossing my arms. I tuned out Papyrus and focused on chisk who was playing with the grass, they better not try to eat anythin- I quickly snatched a rock that they where trying to put in their mouth from them making them cry again "ah! No no uh..." oh thats right the pacifier! I pulled it out of my pocket and stuck it in chisk's mouth. They Imeaditly stopped and went back to crawling around the grass. I sighed relieved, crying babies are such a pain! I looked over at my mom and sans who where walking back towards us. I decided I'll just focus on taking care of the twins and let Toriel or Frisk or whoever explain things for me. Yup just ignore and stare at my kids like a creepy stalker.

Good plan chara.

Alphys pov: "w-why is that creepy ghost stareing at that b-baby?"
The ghost looked at me glaring, I yelped and hurried in the other direction.

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