Chapter 7: Frara gets mad

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Frara's pov:

The only fun thing about preschool is the lego blocks. Chisk was playing with the blocks too trying to make lego papyrus.

Mine was better.

A couple of other kids walked over. I dont know their names, I think their scared of my shadow.

Chisk smiled at them shyly and signed just like quiet mom.


"What are you doing?" One of the three kids asked. I decided to answer for my sibling.

"It's called sign language." I said proudly. Chisk beamed. We think sign language is so cool becuase our quiet mom is so cool.

"Thats weird!" "Yeah you two are weirdos!" "You dont have eyes and your brother speaks with hands"

[I'm not a boy or a gir-]

"He's doing it again!" They all start chanting "he speaks with hands!" Like its some kind of insult.

Chisk starts crying.

I get closer to them. "They might speak with hands..." I raise my fist "but I punch with mine!"

I got in trouble for beating them up.


Chara's pov:

First day of school and my kid already has a reputation... If I was younger I would be proud... but I became more mature... atleast thats what I tell myself as I get Frara a nice cream on the way home... Frisk isnt going to be happy with either of us.

Frisk's pov:

Chisk stopped crying awhile ago, they thought they made Frara get in trouble but I managed to calm them down. Now their helping me make dinner. I heard the door open. "Quiet mom we're home!" Frara yelled while eating some nice cream. Chisk whined wanting to know why they dont have Nice cream. I put my fists on my hips and glare at Chara. They just smile sheepishly. Giving Frara nice cream after beating up some kids, before dinner, AND they're making Chisk complain? Oh boy

Chara is sleeping on the couch tonight.

Chisk's pov:

Life is so unfair... DISCOMFORT!

Charisk: Accidental ParentsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora