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As soon as I reached my room I was thrown in there. I fell into the floor. Of course I got up and got on top of my bed. Knowing that by now most people in this place didn't care about my safety since they believed that I deserved worse. Honestly I should tell you more about my past since it has been days since then. 

Days after i got taken by Riddler i found myself wanting to sleep, but as soon as i put my head down Riddler came in the room. "Are you ok"Riddler asked adding"What is your name".

"My name is Paradox"I said realizing that wasn't my name and yet i had no clue what my name was. I had basically forgotten all that my life was before I had got taken. 

"My dear you are confused"Eddie said. He picked me up and carried me out of the room. "Are you ok". I simply just shook my no. Riddler kissed the top of my forehead. When eddie got to his room he set me in his bed and then left the room. I felt tears slip down my face. I felt so scared and helpless at the same time it didn't make sense. Why was i scared? Why did i feel so helpless. 

Then a few minutes later Eddie came back into the room. He had a tray of food in his hands. He set down the tray in my lap. Then he turned around to leave. "Please don't leave"I said begging. 

"Ok"Eddie said simply, then sitting down next to me. "And by the way you don't need to cry". I started eating the food eddie had given me. It tasted so good probably since it had been the first time I had eaten in a couple of days. A couple minutes after I was done eating eddie taken the tray and started walking away. I dared to get up and run after to him, but I knew if I would fall on the floor that I would have to wait a couple minutes before eddie came back to help me back up. So instead I stayed on the bed and tried sleeping.  

What felt like a day later Eddie woke me up. "Paradox, you need to wake up. I have to take you to the store to make sure that we have some food and to get you clothes". I got up and tried getting off the bed. 

"But what clothes am I going to where till I get the new clothes"I asked feeling confused since I already was wearing clothes. I still felt really tired.  

"Harley is letting you have some of her old clothes"Eddie said pointing to a corner of the room. Eddie left the room. I got changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a green tank top. Staying with my old sneakers. Then leaving Eddies room and walking to where Eddie was. As soon as Eddie saw me he took my hand and lead me out of the house. I found myself blinded right when the light shown on my eyes. "Today we may see Harley and Joker as well as Batman though he just doesn't like me, but he may like you my dear. A helpless human confused on what to do"Eddie said walking with me. 

"So I am your next crime"I said tearing up again. 

"Yep" Eddie said walking me past onto the street as if he was thinking that someone was watching probably Batman. I didn't understand why Eddie would have gone and do that to me for, but yet again I had to realize that Eddie was just another criminal in need for attention. So I decided instead of crying about it that I would go along with his plan and maybe I would find my purpose in life. 

Soon instead I would find that each second that someone was watching me. I couldn't figure out where they were and I guess eddie knew that as well since he had looked at me then looking at the spot I was looking at. "You can feel someone watching us as well"Eddie asked. I simply nodded my head yes not even looking at Eddie. "I know somebody is and he probably is batman". As soon as Eddie finished his sentence batman jumped down in front of us.

"Let her go Eddie. She isn't like you. She is a good guy" batman said as if he had knew me his hole life, but he didn't. I couldn't help, but laugh because of what he had said.

"You don't know anything about me"I said.

"I know that most people don't like hanging out with riddler" batman said. Instead of talking I looked back at Eddie and kissed him. Eddie put his hand on my back and held me close till he decided to lean away. In reality I guess I did answer batman statement but not with words. I looked back at batman and saw that he had a shocked expression on his face.

Of course I could tell you the rest of my day or I can simply say that we went to the store and got everything we needed. 

I have to go and get some food to eat since it is dinner time and then to bed were my next day will start. I get up and walk to the door so they can let me out to go to the dinning room and the first person I see instead of any doctor and security guard is Eddie. "How did you get here"I asked shocked. My time here no one was ever allowed to walk with someone else who was a patient. It was one of the rules, but here was Eddie outside my room waiting to walk with me. 

"Well Hugo thought that we are a couple so he thought it would be fun if we walked to dinner together"Eddie said annoyed. 

"So we are not a couple"I asked sarcastically. Then Eddie lead me to the dinning room with his arm on my shoulder. I found myself being stared at by the other patient there, but instead of focusing on it I decided whatever at least this place maybe starting to be fun. 

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