Chapter 19: True Friends & New Friends

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Kyra's POV

As I lay on the couch, mindlessly watching TV with Lily who found it absolutely wondrous, I thought back on the last few uneventful days. The full moon had come and past, but without the Pride's looming threat they seemed just as uneventful as ever. Lily had been excepted into our team pretty well, because of her happy attitude and the fact she basically failed at everything she did, and that was hilarious.

I heard a knock on the door and I sighed. After pausing the TV, which earned me a few well deserved glares from Lily, I walked across the cold floor and swung open the door. There stood two girls about my age, but maybe a bit older. I was never a good judge at ages. One had black hair and blue eyes and the other had fiery orange hair with green eyes. I had never seen them before in my life.

"Hello, do I know you?" I asked to the two girls. The one with black hair started to blush badly. People from Cloudcroft were just plain weird.

"I'm Izzy and this is Skyler." The girl with orange hair introduced herself and her friend.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Kyra." I said.

"We were wondering if a girl named Mae still lives here. She used to go to school with us but kinda disappeared a while back. She never came back to school after she... came back. But I see she's moved." Izzy said, blushing a little at how stupid she sounded.

"Not really." I said. "She's still around but she's on a at the moment." I said, making up a lie.

"Do you know when she'll be back?" Izzy asked, brightening up.

"No, sorry." I said and started to close the door.

"Wait!" Izzy said, sticking her hand through the door.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can we talk to Mr Marwood?" Izzy asked.

"He's not home right now, but I guess you can wait for him." I sighed, knowing that these two weren't going to leave otherwise.

"Great!" Izzy said and pushed her way through the door, Skyler following behind.

"Guys we got company! So don't do anything stupid!" I shouted, hoping everyone would hear. Especially Lily.

"Who is it?" Lily asked from the couch.

"These are Mae's friends. They want to talk to her Dad about something." I said, with a forced smile. Lily got the idea and brushed past us to go outside.

"How do you know Mae, or Dex?" Skyler asked, speaking for the first time.

"I met Mae at a after school camp back in Seattle. I'm just visiting. A couple others of us got together and bought bus tickets to surprise her, but when we got here, she had gone on some trip." I said.

"Well that sucks." Izzy said, "So you're just crashing here?"

"Pretty much." I said. Then I heard the low rumble of a truck pulling into the driveway. Good. I was just saved from this game of twenty questions, with all lies for answers. I guess I should get out while I was ahead, so I walked off into the bathroom and shut the door.

As I pressed my head against the door I heard the whispers of their conversation. Then the voices became louder and more fierce. But the door still muffled the majority of their conversation. For once I wished I had a cat's hearing so I would know what was going on.

Finally I opened the door. Mr Marwood was fuming, like I'd never seen him before. If he was trying to keep his cool he was failing badly. Izzy and Skyler where glaring at him like he just said they were grounded or something. It was really bad. I wondered what they'd asked to get themselves so riled up.

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