Chapter 7

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I'm waiting for my cookies to bake and thought seeing as I wanted to update today, why not now? Smart I know. (Laughs). Also if I made a one shot book both boyxboy and girlxboy would any of you read it? Like you could send me prompts or something... Idk. Also I wrote a one shot Sweet as tea and if you could check it out? Anyways we HAVE 1,000 reads oh god that's amazing! Thank you everyone who reads this! Anyways let's go on with the story!

Louis's POV

I was awoken from my slumber by a small body colliding on my stomach making me groan. Opening an eye I peeked out from my pillow to see Isabelle smiling a wide smile at me and if it wasn't seven in the morning, I would've thought it was the most adorable thing.

'Isabelle it's seven in the morning what do you want?' I move over in the bed so the seven year old can come and join me. She quickly scurries under the blankets and cuddles up to my side, making me smile.

'I have school today.' I made a noise of surprise because I forgot all about her starting at her new school today.

'You forgot didn't you?'

'Of course not! What kind of father would I be if I simply forgot?' I herd her giggle.

I looked down at my daughter who had her head on my chest to see her smiling wide.

'Its okay daddy I know you've been busy with yours and dads divorce. If it wasn't for Harry and Zayn I wouldn't be signed up or anything because you're so busy, and I understand.' I smiled at me daughter.

I kissed her head and I could tell she was smiling at my gesture because it was true, I've been so busy lately with everything that I haven't had much time with her.

'You shouldn't have to be used to it though, I should remember important things like this!' I tell her.

I felt her arms wrap around my neck as she gave me a bear hug. If there was one thing about Isabelle's hugs is that a soon as she hugs you, you feels instantly better.

'I love you.' I mumbled into her hair.

'Love you too daddy now lets go! I want breakfast I'm hungry!' She whined making me chuckle.

'Alright go on downstairs and ill be down in a minute.' I smile as she happily nods and makes her way down the stairs.

I get my sorry as out of bed and make my way towards the shower.

Isabelle's POV

I was colouring in a colouring book that  Anna gave me.

I was glad that I met Anna she is really amazing. I am glad she is my best friend but it would be really cool if we where sisters. I herd the doorbell and knowing daddy was still getting ready an Uncle Zayn was still probably snoring away I made my way to answer it.

I smiled as I answered it as I attacked Anna in a bet hug.

'Anna' I smile at my best friend!

'Isabelle I got daddy to come over with me so we could all go to school together!' She tell me excitedly.

I herd a chuckle and looked to see Harry making smile. I ran at him and he picked me up an gave me a bear hug. Harry was an amazing dad I wish he was my other dad.

'Where's your dad to Isabelle?'

Before I could answer daddy finally decided to come down stairs mumbling to himself making not only me but Anna an Harry to laugh at him. His headshot up an looked at us all in surprise.

'What are you all doing here?

'Thought we'd come over and we could all go to school together.' Harry replied.

Harry made us all bacon and eggs before we left. As we walked down the road both mine and Anna's daddies trailed behind us.

'Wouldn't it be nice to be sisters?' I ask Anna as we were walking.

'Yes it would oh my gosh!'

I looked back at my daddy and saw him smiling at Harry like he used to smile as Daddy.

'I think my daddy likes yours.' I announce.

'Same with mine.' Anna relplys.

'Anna do you know what this means?' She shakes her head.

'If our daddies get married then we will be sisters!' She grins but then is fades making me frown.

'Whats wrong?'

'But I don't think they love each other.' I frown as well.

'Well then how about me help them fall or one another?'

'Oh gosh yes! We could call it the sisters project!'

'That sounds amazing.' I tell her.

Written by DreamingIsReality

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